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ISSN: 0024-3922    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 52 Number 1 Year 2012

30 articles in this issue 

Ana Zwitter Vitez

Dans de nombreuses disciplines scientifiques, le discours parlé représente depuis quelques décennies un objet de recherche proéminent. Ce fait s’explique probablement par deux caractéristiques principales du discours parlé: la structure complexe de sa mat... see more

Pags. 7 - 8  

Samrah Ahmed, Peter Garrard

In its typical form, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) manifests with early impairment in episodic memory. Evidence suggests that language deficits also occur early on in the disease process, and can be detected at the preclinical stage, suggesting that language c... see more

Pags. 9 - 25  

Harry Hollien

This article sets forth the goals and content of Forensic Phonetics and its major elements. Considered are 1) the processing and analysis of spoken utterances, 2) enhancement of speech intelligibility (re: surveillance and other recordings), 3) authentica... see more

Pags. 27 - 53  

Katharina Zipser

Most L2-learners are taught a language on the basis of a textbook. But are these textbooks arranged according to the learners’ needs? For the present study the grammatical structures and their progression in an Italian-language textbook were analysed, and... see more

Pags. 55 - 68  

Meta Lah

Dans l'enseignement des langues étangères, la composante orale a longtemps été peu représentée; elle n'est devenue un objectif à part entière qu'avec l'avènement de l'approche communicative dans les années 70 du 20ème siècle. Selon l'approche actionnelle,... see more

Pags. 69 - 85  

Vesna Požgaj Hadži, Damir Horga, Tatjana Balazic Bulc

The aim of this paper is to answer the question of the influence of language proficiency on speech fluency in relation to speakers’ other cognitive abilities by comparing the speech of research participants who speak Slovenian as L1 and Croatian as LF. By... see more

Pags. 87 - 100  

Gemma Santiago Alonso

En el presente artículo se ha llevado a cabo un acercamiento al proceso de adquisición del artículo en español en el habla infantil, teniendo en cuenta las diferentes etapas de la adquisición, a partir de los datos de habla infantil de dos niños y dos niñ... see more

Pags. 101 - 112  

Jana Zidar Forte

In postgraduate interpreter training, the main objective of the course is to help trainees develop various competences, from linguistic, textual and cultural competence, to professional and specific interpreting competence. For simultaneous interpreting (... see more

Pags. 113 - 127  

Lea Burjan

Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem Diskurs in einer Gerichtsverhandlung mit verschiedensprachigen Parteien. Die übliche Konversation im Gerichtssaal findet in Form eines Dialogs statt, wobei die Strategie des Gespräches durch den Richter als Gesprächsmod... see more

Pags. 129 - 150  

Simona Šumrada

 L'article se situe dans la problématique de reprises discursives. L'étude est basée sur les opérations de reformulation dans deux modalités (oral, écrit) et deux langues (français, slovène). Le travail repose sur l'hypothèse selon laquelle le passag... see more

Pags. 151 - 167  

Jana Volk

The paper presents ToBI, a transcription method for prosodic annotation. ToBI is an acronym for Tones and Breaks Indices which first denoted an intonation system developed in the 1990s for annotating intonation and prosody in the database of spoken Mainst... see more

Pags. 169 - 186  

Gregory A. Bennett

In this paper, I compare two variants for representing laughter in synchronous Japanese Twitter discourse: (xiao), the kanji symbol meaning "laughter "situated between two parentheses, and w, the first letter of the romaji transliteration of that same wor... see more

Pags. 187 - 199  

Nives Lenassi

Sullo sfondo delle constatazioni di vari studiosi relative alle caratteristiche dialogiche e orali nelle e-mail di natura prevalentemente privata, questa volta l’autrice ha condotto un’indagine in merito alla presenza dei tratti del parlato nella comunica... see more

Pags. 201 - 211  

Jacqueline Oven

La présente contribution s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une étude contrastive sur les particules dans les langues slovène et française en y examinant le cas du lexème slovène tudi et de son équivalent français le plus fréquent aussi. Nous nous pencherons sur l... see more

Pags. 213 - 223  

Mojca Schlamberger Brezar

L'oral et l'écrit présentent, selon la définition de C. Blanche-Benveniste, deux mondes distincts d'expression. À l'époque contemporaine, les deux modes s'entremêlent. L'écrit influence l'oral dans les situations d'énonciation officielles ainsi que les si... see more

Pags. 225 - 237  

Elenmari Pletikos Olof, Jagoda Poropat Darrer

Festliche Preisverleihungen sind Gelegenheiten, bei denen von den Preisträgern eine kurze Rede erwartet wird. Obwohl die Dankesrede eine kleinere Randgattung innerhalb des epideiktischen Genres ist, steht sie im Mittelpunkt des Ereignisses. Rhetorikhandbü... see more

Pags. 239 - 252  

Golnaz Nanbakhsh

Research on Persian pronominal address forms (to the intimate "you" represented as "T" after French tu and šoma the deferential "you" similar to French vous represented as "V", historically plural but now also used as singular) has been limited to questio... see more

Pags. 253 - 266  

Darinka Verdonik, Zdravko Kacic

Different kinds of pragmatic expressions in spoken discourse, like discourse markers, interjections, topic orientation markers, pragmatic deictics, general extenders, etc., have attracted the attentions of researchers over recent decades. However, express... see more

Pags. 267 - 281  

Tamara Mikolic Južnic

Il presente contributo si pone come oggetto una ricerca su alcune caratteristiche del discorso parlato legate alla complessità sintattica e lessicale determinata dall’uso della nominalizzazione. Partendo dalla considerazione, più volte espressa, su come l... see more

Pags. 283 - 295  

Mojca Smolej

Contrairement à ce que l'on peut constater dans d'autres langues (notamment en français), le discours indirect en slovène est caractérisé par la possibilité laissée à l'énonciateur de faire l'ellipse du verbe d'énonciation pour lui préférer un verbe expri... see more

Pags. 297 - 307  

Iztok Kosem, Darinka Verdonik

One of the aspects of speech that remains under-researched is the internal variety of speech, i.e. the differences and similarities between different types of speech. This paper aims to contribute to this research by making the comparison between differen... see more

Pags. 309 - 321  

Juliano Desiderato Antonio, Fernanda Trombini Rahmen Cassim

According to Rhetorical Structure Theory, implicit propositions emerge from the combination of pieces of text which hang together. Implicit propositions have received various labels as coherence relations, discourse relations, rhetorical relations or rela... see more

Pags. 323 - 336  

Hotimir Tivadar

The Slovene language is often presented as a national element. Even in the 19th century, which saw the Spring of Nations and the United Slovenia project, the Slovene language was a constitutive element of the Slovene nation. In the meantime, the Slovene l... see more

Pags. 337 - 348  

Tjaša Jakop

The dual is a grammatical expression of number in some languages (e.g. Slovene, Sorbian or Modern Standard Arabic) that denotes two persons or objects. In modern Indo-European languages, the dual is an archaism and one that has been preserved only in a sm... see more

Pags. 349 - 362  

Sabina Zorcic

The paper discusses the use of words of foreign origin in Slovenian political discourse. At the outset, this usage is broken down into four groups: the first contains specific phrases and terminology inherent to the political domain; the second contains w... see more

Pags. 363 - 380  

Tomaž Petek

Public speaking is understood as monological discourse production, directed at a wider or narrower public or group of people. The theoretical part of this article introduces the characteristics of effective public speaking; criteria were designed for the ... see more

Pags. 381 - 392  

Primož Vitez

Le linguiste, dans sa volonté explicite de s'imposer comme sujet scientifique et de décrire objectivement la langue comme un objet qui lui est extérieur, est paradoxal, parce que, du fait même qu'il est habité de sa langue, il se trouve nécessairement dan... see more

Pags. 393 - 402  

Jasmina Markic

El libro titulado Fonética y Fonología, dirigido por José Manuel Blecua, director de la Real Academia Española, es el tercer volumen de la Nueva Gramática de la Lengua Española, realizada por las veintidós Academias de la Lengua Española y di- rigida por ... see more

Pags. 403 - 406  

Stojan Bracic

Das vorliegende Buch ist eine didaktisch orientierte texgrammatische Untersu- chung, die anhand eines nach unterschiedlichen Kriterien ausgewählten Korpus die spezi?sche Anwendung sprachlicher Mittel in zwanzig Textsorten der deutschen Gegenwartssprache a... see more

Pags. 407 - 414  

Silvo Torkar

Romanist, germanist in imenoslovec dr. Dušan cop je lani praznoval visok življenjski jubilej. Rojen je bil v Spodnjih Gorjah pri Bledu 14. 9. 1921. Diplomiral je l. 1948 iz an- gleškega jezika in romanistike na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani, kjer je od... see more

Pags. 415 - 417