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ISSN: 0024-3922    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 16 Number 2 Year 1976

14 articles in this issue 

Bojan Cop

Le présent volume de Linguistica étant dédié à la mémoire du regretté St. Škerlj, il nous parut convenable d'accomoder l'objet de notre étude tout au-moins en partie au domaine auquel il avait consacré sa vie-: à l'histoire des langues romanes. Il est bie... see more

Pags. 3 - 33  

Siegfried Heusinger

Sätze wie die folgenden heben sich auf Grund ihrer besonderen struktur von der usuellen Sprachform ab: - Der Gedankenaustausch … wurde abgebrochen durch das Kommando "Lagern". - Immerhin schien er sich zu nähern, langsam, aber unverkennbar. - Er hatte rec... see more

Pags. 35 - 45  

Josip Jernej

I rapporti esistenti fra le parole nella frase possono raggrupparsi, com' è noto, in tre categorie: reggenza, funzione e ordine delle parole. La reggenza riguarda il modo in cui alcune parole impongono ad altre certe varizioni di forma (genere, numer... see more

Pags. 47 - 53  

Sivin Košak

Although the mmtarrijashas-festival is one of the most elaborate and extensive Hittite religious celebrations, its purpose still remains unclear. The first prob­ lem lies with the title itself. The word nuntarrijashas itself is faintly clear; it is a -aha... see more

Pags. 55 - 64  

Rado L. Lencek

With the following observations on the use of present gerunds in Slovene, promp­ ted by Jan Baudouin de Courtenay's Dictionary of the Ter Dialect (BdC Mss), and by Stanko Škerlj' s Syntaxe du participe présent et du rondif en vieil italien (Škerlj 1926), ... see more

Pags. 65 - 79  

Milena Milojevic-Sheppard

The problem of reference is one of the main problems in transformational gram­ mar. It does not concern only the pronominalization and reflexivization rules (both transformational and interpretive) but also many other rules, such as, for instance, deletio... see more

Pags. 81 - 96  

Janez Orešnik

The present paper is a list of Modern Icelandic nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, analysed into their respective stems and endings; the declension of the suffixed definite article is also included. Under each item it is stated which rules, if any, appl... see more

Pags. 97 - 118  

Giovan Battista Pellegrini

E' merito di László Hadrovics di avere impostato una numerosa serie di ricerche etimologiche con un metodo originale che ha dato ampi frutti, fondato sullo studio globale di tanti dati, ma in primo luogo saldamente ancorato al minuzioso esame delle fonti ... see more

Pags. 119 - 123  

Magnús Pétursson

Obwohl die Phonetik eines der ältesten sprachwissenschaftlichen Fächer ist, ist ihre Stellung innerhalb der Sprachwissenschaft bei weitem nicht klar und scheint sogar zunehmend unklarer zu werden. Es ist deshalb an der Zeit, sich Gedan­ ken über diese Dis... see more

Pags. 125 - 136  

Vladimir Pogacnik

En fait partie des anaphoriques, c'est-à-dire des mots qui ne se réalisent pour la plupart des cas que dans un discours, dans un contexte. Sur ce plan, la dé- finition de Tesnière parlant des "mots vides sur le plan statique" et des "mots pleins sur le pl... see more

Pags. 137 - 152  

Milica Popovic

Enciklopedijski recnik u jednoj svesci pored toga što je praktican može biti i vrlo koristan, tj. izvanredan je posrednik. mnogostruke tematike koju saopštava na više manje koncizan nacin. Dve do tri hiljade stranica zbijenih, sitnih redova otkrivaju upec... see more

Pags. 153 - 159  

William R. Schmalstieg

Hirt, 1934, 119, notes the use of the genitive case in Indo-European as the sub­ ject of a passive participle and gives the examples Greek 'von Gott gegeben', poetic 'erschlagen von Ai', Sanskrit patjuh krita 'vom Gatten gekauft', ta asja prajah srštah 'd... see more

Pags. 161 - 163  

Alenka Šivic-Dular

V slovanskih jezikih najdemo hesedo siromah z vrsto izpeljank. Naj navedem najpomemhnejse gradivo: sh. siròmah in siromak "ubog covjek, hijednik; jadnik, nevoljnik; prosjak", pri Divkovicu in Tordincu izpricano sjeromah, siromaha (ž.), coll. sìromaš, sìro... see more

Pags. 165 - 169  

Gordana Vitorovic

15 let Linguisticae"

Pags. 171 - 198