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ISSN: 0024-3922    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 46 Number 1 Year 2006

18 articles in this issue 

Hans Goebl

La finalité de la présente étude est essentiellement d'ordre diachronique. Il s'agit d'évaluer l'ampleur des modifications survenues entre 1300 et 1900, et partant dans un laps de temps de six siècles, sur le plan de l'aménagement linguistique 1 de l'espa... see more

Pags. 3 - 43  

Marek Gawelko

En se fondant sur le principe qui dit que la science doit tendre vers le général, on est conduit à établir non seulement des changements concrets mais aussi des tendances évolutives. Nous partageons  !'opinion selon laquelle il est possible  d’é... see more

Pags. 45 - 54  

Zuzanna Topolinjska

In order to complete my description of the so-called category of definiteness in Macedonian I needed an operational definition of what is called "a generic noun phrase". I did not find such a definition in works on definiteness and on reference. Thus, I d... see more

Pags. 55 - 59  

Lara Burazer

Based on false philosophical assumptions, language has so far been considered as an entity, a thing which exists on its own and has characteristics of a living being. Language has been said to evolve and languages have been classified as alive or dead. La... see more

Pags. 61 - 70  

Martina Ožbot

As is well known, the second half of the last century has witnessed an un­ precedented increase in cross-cultural communication at a practical level as well as a remarkable development of research on various aspects of translation as cross-cultural commun... see more

Pags. 71 - 80  

Karmen Teržan Kopecky

Jahrtausende alt ist das Gefiihl bzw. - gepaart mit Überlegungen und Reflexionen die spatere Überzeugung von Philosophen, Literaten und Denkern, dass der ins Wort gefasste Gedanke den Gedanken selbst beeinflusst, värandert, ihm zu einer neuen, wenn auch v... see more

Pags. 81 - 98  

Teodor Petric

Im Aufsatz werden Vorschläge zur Erweiterung des in Slowenien entstandenen Modells der Natürlichkeitstheorie gemacht. Im weiteren Verlauf des Aufsatzes ver­ wende ich die Akronyme NT für die Natürlichkeitstheorie in der Ausprägung ihrer bekanntesten Vertr... see more

Pags. 99 - 115  

Varja Cvetko-Orešnik

The Old Indian causative conjugation features a reduplicated aorist and a peri­ phrastic perfect. Within Natural Syntax, an attempt is made at predicting this state of affairs . Morphologically, the causative conjugation, the reduplicated aorist , and the... see more

Pags. 117 - 120  

Zorica Vucetic

Il presente lavoro tratta della terminologia delle arti e in particolare del lessico della pittura, della scultura e dell' architettura. L' articolo discute ed esamina i principali procedimenti formativi dell' italiano contemporaneo, come la suffissazione... see more

Pags. 121 - 144  

T. L. Markey

From the area around lakes Maggiore and Como in the west clear across the northern alpine crest of the Italian peninsula to the Balkans (albeit primarily in Slovenia) in the east we find the following varieties of early Continental Celtic: Golaseccan ILep... see more

Pags. 145 - 172  

Irena Orel

In a diachronic perspective from the 16th century to the present, this article inves­ tigates translated interlinguistic agreement and difference in the use of the temporally marked Slovenian prepositional phrases that appeared in the semantic group of ve... see more

Pags. 173 - 179  

Alja Ferme

In this paper I will analyse final sonorant sequencesin the Celje variety of Slovene. In §2 various definitions of a consonant cluster will be discussed and the definition needed for further development ofthe article will be provided. In §3 I will present... see more

Pags. 181 - 190  

Chikako Shigemori Bucar

Whereas Japanese has a productive causative morpheme -( s)ase- that is added to a non-causative verb to derive a causative verb, Slovene has no such single morpheme that may be considered to directly correspond with the Japanese morpheme. This arti­ cle c... see more

Pags. 191 - 202  

Aleksandra Derganc

Some examples of incorrect translation from Slovene to Russian resp. from Russian to Slovene are discussed in the paper. All mistakes are due to »false friends«, especially frequent in genetically related languages. An interesting mistake can bi found in ... see more

Pags. 203 - 208  

Eva Sicherl, Andreja Žele

The present article aims to shed some light on the combinability of verbs, nouns and adjectives with prepositions - a phenomenon which is common both in Slovene and in English, but has not been extensively commented on by Slovene linguists. In Anglo­ Amer... see more

Pags. 209 - 226  

Marjeta Vrbinc, Alenka Vrbinc

Grammatical codes are one of several ways of including grammar in learners' dictionaries. In our research we focussed on the usability and user-friendliness of learners' dictionaries as regards grammatical information. The results presented and discussed ... see more

Pags. 227 - 242  

Jasmina Markic

El presente artículo tiene como fin presentar las perífrasis verbales de gerundio con los verbos de movimiento andar, ir y venir como auxiliares. En la primera parte se pre­ senta la problemática de la perífrasis verbal en general y la definición del conc... see more

Pags. 243 - 250  

Vladimir Pogacnik

Ce n'est sans doute pas un hasard si les toponymes Ljubljana, Lubiana et Laibach se sont vu attribuer une série d'explications étymologiques et ceci par d'érninents lin­ guistes slovènes tels que Miklošic (1859), Kelemina (1950), Ramovš (1953), Bezlaj (19... see more

Pags. 251 - 253