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ISSN: 0024-3922    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 51 Number 1 Year 2011

31 articles in this issue 

Gregor Perko

Au cours des dernières décennies où l’on assiste à une refondation de la morphologie, la discipline s’intéresse de plus en plus à des phénomènes « périphériques », « marginaux », « irréguliers » ou « extragrammaticaux », à des phénomènes n’appartenant pas... see more

Pags. 3 - 4  

Michel Roché

La dérivation en -aie (chênaie, roseraie, châtaigneraie...) suit normalement le schéma : N de plante + -aie --> N de collectif. Quelques dérivés présents dans les dictionnaires, cependant, s'écartent de cette configuration : cerisaie au lieu de ceriser... see more

Pags. 5 - 22  

Irena Stramljic Breznik, Ines Voršic

Newly created words are a frequent topic of research in modern linguistics. The reason for this is that innovation processes in lexicon are a reflection of dynamic tendencies which occur as a consequence of modern communication requirements. This contribu... see more

Pags. 23 - 38  

Alexandra Bagasheva

The study of compound verbs in English poses numerous problems, among which even their recognition as compounds on grounds of their derivation. Resulting from at least three different word-formation patterns, compound verbs constitute a heterogeneous clas... see more

Pags. 39 - 63  

Maris Camilleri

The paper discusses the notion of morphological complexity, with a focus on stem patterns. Stem patterns, creating stem-based inflectional classes, are morphological constructs which come about as a result of observing the patterns rendered by the stem-fo... see more

Pags. 65 - 85  

Arnaud Léturgie

L'amalgamation lexicale est un procédé d'innovation lexicale assez peu décrit en français et dont la morphologie ressort de l'extragrammatical. Partant du constat que les différentes classifications des amalgames lexicaux sont établies sur des corpus rest... see more

Pags. 87 - 104  

Silvia Cacchiani

Italian has recently witnessed a steady increase in the use of unfamiliar lexical blends from names and nouns. While they serve an identificatory and descriptive function (in the sense of Anderson 2007), blends are created in extragrammatical morphology w... see more

Pags. 105 - 120  

Thomas Schwaiger

The article investigates a paradigm case of a borderline phenomenon in linguistic analysis: constructions in which linguistic material is meaningfully iterated (or repeated) and their relation to prototypical and marginal areas of morphology. The fuzzy st... see more

Pags. 121 - 134  

Eva Sicherl, Andreja Žele

This contrastive treatment of diminutives in Slovene and English aims to comment on the productivity of diminutive formations in both languages; in Slovene diminutives are particularly productive also in the field of terminology. Diminutiveness can be exp... see more

Pags. 135 - 142  

Marie Anne Berron, Marie Mouton

Nous proposons à partir d'un phénomène de poésie contemporaine (Slam) d'analyser l'importance de la morphologie marginale (Fradin 2007) comprenant des phénomènes tels que, entre autres, le verlan, les troncations par apocope ou par aphérèse, les suffixati... see more

Pags. 143 - 155  

Géraldine Walther

The question of regularity within morphological paradigms has been formerly addressed within approaches falling in the scope of Canonical Typology (Corbett 2003). The aim of this paper is to provide a means for assessing the notion of morphological canoni... see more

Pags. 157 - 180  

Patrizia Cordin

In this paper I analyze verb-locative constructions in Romance. Even though not allowed in standard Romance languages, which have maintained and codified the classical Latin prefix system, these constructions are widely attested in non standard varieties,... see more

Pags. 201 - 216  

Erich R. Round

Inferential-realisational analyses formalise a language's inflectional morphology in terms of a mapping on the one side from a lexical index and set of morphosyntactic properties to on the other side a phonological form. Round (2009) has argued that the A... see more

Pags. 217 - 230  

Georgia Zellou

Moroccan Arabic (MA) has a derivational noun circumfix /ta-...-t/ that is borrowed from the neighboring Berber languages. This circumfix is highly productive on native MA noun stems but not productive on borrowed Berber stems (which are rare in MA). This ... see more

Pags. 231 - 244  

Chikako Shigemori Bucar

Japanese has no category of gender or number. Nouns as well as adjectives have no inflection. The phonological construction of words is syllabic and there is no stress accent but pitch accent. Five vowels have short and long opposition. On the other hand,... see more

Pags. 245 - 262  

Varja Cvetko-Orešnik

The framework of the paper is Natural Syntax initiated by Janez Orešnik in thetradition of (morphological) naturalness as established by Wolfgang U. Dressler and Willi Mayerthaler. The basic tenets of Natural Syntax are described at the beginning of the p... see more

Pags. 263 - 272  

Douglas Lightfoot

Throughout its history in Old High German (OHG), Middle High German, Early New High German, and Modern German (ModG), the word Mann "man" has exhibited a high degree of productivity and linguistic flexibility. It has ranged morphosyntactically from a full... see more

Pags. 273 - 283  

Javier E. Díaz Vera

In this paper I describe the process of grammaticalization of Old English causative verbs through the analysis of some of the different strategies for the expression of causation in three different lexical domains: PHYSICAL PERCEPTION, COGNITION and EMOTI... see more

Pags. 285 - 290  

Metka Furlan

In the Hittite proterokinetically declined adjective palhi- and the Proto-Slavic noun *pol'e (n.) it is possible to recognize the old interparadigmatic connection from the earlier protolanguage period, when the i-stem and u-stem neuter nouns were declined... see more

Pags. 291 - 297  

Marc Plénat, Camille Plénat

La liaison de l'adjectif sur le nom en français relève pour l'essentiel de la morphologie et de la syntaxe. Seules étudiées ici, les formes de liaison du masculin singulier (FLMS) constituent l'un des éléments du paradigme flexionnel de l'adjectif. Un adj... see more

Pags. 299 - 315  

Janez Orešnik

The framework of this paper is Natural Syntax initiated by the author in the tradition of (morphological) naturalness as established by Wolfgang U. Dressler and Willi Mayerthaler. Natural Syntax is a pseudo-deductive linguistic theory, and this is its mos... see more

Pags. 317 - 332  

Mojca Schlamberger Brezar

Dans le cadre des études de la morphologie traditionnelle, le gérondif et le participe sont considérés être les formes verbales, formées à partir des désinences particulières, fait prouvé en diachronie. Ce procédé reste-t-il productif en synchronie ? A pa... see more

Pags. 333 - 348  

Gašper Ilc

The paper examines the syntactic status of the negative marker in standard Slovenian and its Pannonian dialects in terms of the grammaticalisation process known as Jespersen's cycle. Assuming that Jespersen's Cycle can be observed synchronically, the pape... see more

Pags. 349 - 363  

Mojca Smolej

On peut distinguer deux principaux groupes d'actualisateurs textuels: les actualisateurs généraux et les actualisateurs spécifiques. Le premier groupe comprend les déterminants définis et indéfinis, tandis que le second est constitué des noms propres, des... see more

Pags. 365 - 375  

Stojan Bracic

Nach den allgemeinen Einführungsthemen wie Stilbeschreibung und Textstilistik wird das „Textphänomen“ (11) Stil als (sozial bedeutsame) Art der Handlungsdurchführung definiert (9, 17), die aufs Engste mit der Stilkompetenz verbunden ist. Aus der Oppositio... see more

Pags. 377 - 382  

Magnús Pétursson

Das hier zur Besprechung vorliegende Werk unterscheidet sich in vielerlei Hinsicht von Büchern ähnlicher Art, die Japanisch zum Gegenstand haben. Der Leitgedanke scheint zu sein, dass der Erwerb des Japanischen als Zweitsprache oder Fremdsprache durch die... see more

Pags. 383 - 384  

Ludwig Fesenmeier

Il presente volume, versione rimaneggiata e tradotta della Habilitationsschrift dell’autore,1 mira a “delineare l’evoluzione della lingua scritta volgare non letteraria dell’Italia settentrionale” (7), adoperando un metodo sviluppato, e variamente applica... see more

Pags. 385 - 389  

Paolo Di Giovine

Quando, poco prima dell’estate, mi fu rivolto l’invito a presentare un volume di saggi in onore di Vincenzo Orioles, in occasione del suo sessantesimo compleanno, non ho avuto alcuna esitazione ad accogliere la proposta, e con grande piacere, misto a una ... see more

Pags. 390 - 394  

Gregor Perko

Le travail de Jan Radimský, qui s’est donné pour objectif d’étudier les tendances récentes de la composition en italien, s’inscrit bien dans la thématique du présent numéro consacré aux frontières externes et internes de la morphologie. Bien que la compos... see more

Pags. 395 - 398  

Gregor Perko

Le titre de ce recueil, publié en hommage à Nelly Flaux, est doublement évocateur : il rappelle, d’un côté, le domaine auquel Nelly Flaux a consacré plus de quarante ans de travail scientifique et universitaire et, de l’autre, le centre de recherche, Gram... see more

Pags. 399 - 402  

Metka Šorli

Linguistica XLI-LI

Pags. 403 - 442