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ISSN: 0024-3922    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 45 Number 1 Year 2005

23 articles in this issue 

Marija Golden

Over a career spanning some forty years, Janez Orešnik has quietly gone about the business of firmly establishing himself at home and abroad as a linguist at ease in diachronic comparative studies of Indoeuropean languages and descriptive stu­ dies of mod... see more

Pags. 3 - 5  

Ana Mehle

Bibliographie sélectionnée des oeuvres du prof. Janez Orešnik 

Pags. 9 - 28  

Wolfgang U. Dressler

Although compounding is the part of morphology which is closest to syntax, stu­dies in Natural Morphology and Natural Syntax ,as pioneered by Mayerthaler(1981) and Orešnik(2004) have rather avoided the field of composition.This contribution represents a m... see more

Pags. 29 - 40  

Pierre Swiggers

Quand, en 1928, Louis Hjelmslev publie ses Principes de grammaire générale, il s'inscrit dans un vaste processus d'élaboration d'une linguistique generale, qui per­ met de rattacher ces prémices d'une ceuvre qu'on associe aujourd'hui avec une école struct... see more

Pags. 41 - 52  

Kenneth Shields

One of the most significant recent developments in the field of historical lin­ guistics has been the identification of what Fox (1995: 194) calls '"laws' oflanguage development"-a methodology "for determining which changes are more likely than others, an... see more

Pags. 53 - 58  

Toshiko Yamaguchi, Magnús Pétursson

In diesem Artikel werden die sprecherbezogenen Bedeutungen des Perfekts in isländischen Zeitungsartikeln untersucht. Das isländische Perfekt verbindet Ereignisse der Vergangenheit mit der Situation zur Sprechzeit, während das Prä­ teritum die Abgeschlosse... see more

Pags. 59 - 84  

John Weinstock

The bear had a lofty status in ancient myth and legend. This was especially so among circumpolar hunting groups such as the Sámi who venerated the animal. They resorted to a special system of language for communicating in such a manner that the bear did n... see more

Pags. 85 - 96  

Tatjana Marvin

It is a well-known fact that in English, syllabification of derived words differs according to the attaching affix, Chomsky and Halle (1968). In words such as hinder, meter, burgle the final sonorant of the roots /hindr/, /mitr/, /burgl/ is syllabic in wo... see more

Pags. 97 - 106  

Gašper Ilc, Milena Milojevic Sheppard

In this paper we examine Slovene negative pronouns from a cross-linguistic per­spective and propose an account of their observed properties interms of minimalist feature checking theory as developed by Chomsky (1995, 1998, 1999, 2001)and modified by Peset... see more

Pags. 107 - 120  

Witold Manczak

Comme, pour prouver l'identité du vieux slave et du vieux bulgare, on invoque uniquement des critères phonétiques, rappelons que l'orientaliste allemand du XVIIe siècle Ludolf affirmait déjà que "die Sprachverwandtschaft offenbart sich nicht im Wörterbuch... see more

Pags. 121 - 128  

Heinz Dieter Pohl

Was das slawische Lehngut Österreichs und insbesondere Kärntens betrifft, ist festzuhalten, dass es sich auf Grund linguistischer Fakten als größtenteils sehr alt erweist, obwohl das Meiste davon erst relativ spät überliefert wird. Doch einige sla­ wische... see more

Pags. 129 - 150  

Jože Toporišic

O naglasnih znamenjih v Bohoricevi slovnici 1584 je podrobneje pisal že pater Stanislav Škrabec, za njim pa l. 1968 Jakob Riglerl in 1971 Rudolf Kolaric. Škrabec je iz Bohoriceve slovnice navedel 81 enot s krativcem, nato pa iz Dalmatinovega prevoda Bibli... see more

Pags. 151 - 158  

Erika Kržišnik

The Slovene language abounds with phraseological units with the structure verb and clitics (clitic word forms) jo, ga, jih, such as ucvreti jo 'to run away', lomiti ga 'to do foolish things, to make mistakes'. The linguistic treatment of this group is int... see more

Pags. 159 - 172  

Florence Gacoin-Marks

Avtorica se ukvarja s slovenskim književnikom in prevajalcem Vladimirjem Levstikom. Na podlagi razlicnih pisnih virov - kritiških spisov, prevodov in literarnih del - poskuša oceniti, kakšno je bilo njegovo znanje francoskega jezika pred drugo svetovno vo... see more

Pags. 173 - 182  

Pavao Tekavcic

Na izboru od gotovo 90 primjera ovaj rad ilustrira navedenu jezicnu pojavu, na cetiri glavne razine jezicne analize (fonetskoj, morfosintaktickoj, tvorbenoj, seman­ tickoj) i na temelju kako usmenih tako i pisanih izvora, neobrazovanih, poluobrazo­ vanih ... see more

Pags. 183 - 188  

Žarko Muljacic

Negli ultimi tren'anni sono usciti parecchi lavori che si occupano direttamente o di passaggio delle colonie di profughi croati nell'Italia meridionale.  Sfortunatamente una recente Bibliografia aggiornata (Rešetar, 1997, 290-294), redatta da Walter ... see more

Pags. 189 - 202  

Jerneja Kavcic

This paper investigates a special use of the verbs of speaking in Greek, in which a personal verbal form of a verb of speaking is accompanied by a participle of ano­ ther verb of speaking. The latter is used pleonastically because the clause would be gram... see more

Pags. 203 - 212  

Roxana Iordache

Nous commençons ce travail par dire qu'on rencontre des éléments de latin po­ pulaire à l'époque tardive 1 non seulement dans des inscriptions ou des textes de médecine vétérinaire, ou bien d'art gastronomique, rédigés par des gens sans instruction, mais ... see more

Pags. 213 - 224  

Matjaž Babic

Unlike some other language phenomena, word order is an unavoidable feature of an utterance. It can be observed in any language as it is always necessary to arrange words (provided the language in question discerns such meaningful entities) in some linear ... see more

Pags. 225 - 238  

Tjaša Miklic

In effetti tutto il sistema della lingua poggia sul princzpw irrazionale dell'arbitrarietà del segno che, se applicato senza restrizione, sfocerebbe nella massima complicazione; ma lo spirito riesce a introdurre un principio d'ordine e di regolarità in ce... see more

Pags. 239 - 258  

Fiorenzo Toso

Il saggio sottolinea il particolare rilievo che assume la presenza del- 1'avverbio e pronome ghi in area corsa, e specificamente nei dialetti di Ajaccio, Calvi, La Maddalena e Capraia, quale esempio rappresentativo di una commistione lin­ guistica corso-l... see more

Pags. 259 - 276  

David Bizjak

 Per un non-friulanofono che studia la lingua friulana contemporanea non è facile scegliere il sintagma più opportuno per rendere l' idea della necessità di un' azione. II friulano dispone a questo scopo di parecchi sintagmi diversi. Essi consistono ... see more

Pags. 277 - 282  

Mitja Skubic

Nei suoi ricordi giovanili, scritti nel secondo dopoguerra e pubblicati nella ri­ vista friulana Sot la Nape negli anni settanta e ottanta del secolo scorso, riuniti poi nel libro Di cà e di là da la Grapa. Di cà e di là dal Pomeri. Blecs gurizans Luciano... see more

Pags. 283 - 288