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Volume 12 Number 2 Year 2018

20 articles in this issue 

Celso Luiz Aparecido Conti

Letter to the reader v.12, n.2, May-Aug. 2018.Carta ao leitor v.12, n.2, maio-ago. 2018.

Pags. 305 - 307  

Cleomar Locatelli

AbstractThe work deals with the Institutional Program of Initiatives for Teaching (PIBID), as an action of the National Policy of Teacher Training (Brazil) that aims to encourage entry and stay in teaching license undergraduate courses. The objective is t... see more

Pags. 308 - 318  

Livia Crespi,Márcia Finimundi Nóbile

AbstractThe article aims to ponder on Brazil’s main educational legislation on Pedagogy Courses, from 1939 to 2006, in order to identify changes in the course’s curricular frameworks throughout time, and it also intends to present a brief overview of the ... see more

Pags. 319 - 335  

Waldemar Marques,Telma Darn,Mariana Imamura

AbstractThis paper analyzes aspects of Higher education of Tourism Professional and their inclusion into the labor market. This analysis is based on data obtained through a sample of graduates in a course at a public university located in the countryside ... see more

Pags. 336 - 344  

Cristiane da Silva Stamberg,Cátia Maria Nehring

Abstract This article is part of the first author's doctoral research, with the second orientation, which aims to problematize teacher training, analyzing a group of teachers who act as teacher trainers in mathematics and in basic education. They have as ... see more

Pags. 345 - 360  

Vinícius Pazuch,Caroline Miranda Pereira Lima,Evonir Albrecht

Abstract The purpose of this article is to investigate the knowledge related to the concept of function, mobilized by teachers who teach mathematics in Basic Education. Relationships are established with the theoretical and analytical presuppositions of t... see more

Pags. 361 - 379  

Lilian Aragão da Silva,Andréia Maria Pereira de Oliveira

AbstractIn this paper, we present a theoretical understanding of the text on the planning of the mathematical modeling environment in the light of Basil Bernstein’s sociological theory. For such, a cross-sectional analysis of the results of three studies ... see more

Pags. 380 - 394  

Sommer Calderone,Andrea M. Kent,Andre M. Green

AbstractThis study was designed to determine the effects of teacher leadership on student achievement in middle school math and science. Participants were 173 8th grade students, and eight teachers — four of whom were identifed as teacher leaders. The exp... see more

Pags. 395 - 407  

Florence Saint-Luc

AbstractThe educational and economic crisis generates a need to re-examine the education purposes and to reform the thought. “The seven knowledges necessary to educate the future”, (Morin E., 1999), aims at a democratic and scientific humanism. We constit... see more

Pags. 408 - 430  

Nubia Carla Ferreira Cabau,Maria Luisa Furlan Costa

AbstractThe present article focuses on the Theory of Transactional Distance formulated by Michael Grahame Moore and aims at identifying where and how Transactional Distance Theory has been approached by Brazilian researchers from 2000 to 2016. In order to... see more

Pags. 431 - 447  

Maria Nilse Favato,Maria José Ferreira Ruiz

AbstractThe Federal University Restructuring and Expansion Plan Support Program (REUNI), Brazil, was proposed by the federal government in 2007, pointing to a model of university that surpasses the traditional university. With this challenge, it was insti... see more

Pags. 448 - 463  

Tristan McCowan

AbstractUnbundling is the process through which products previously sold together are separated into their constituent parts. In higher education, this dynamic has been driven primarily by financial motivations, and spearheaded by the for-profit sector, b... see more

Pags. 464 - 482  

Regina Cândida Ellero Gualtieri

AbstractIn this paper we discuss changes in educational proposals of Fernando de Azevedo (1894-1974), occurred from the 1910s to the 1930s in their links with eugenic and hygienic ideas. Taking as object of analysis Azevedo’s texts of this period, we iden... see more

Pags. 483 - 500  

Ana Cláudia Pavão Siluk,Lilian Roberta Ilha Saccol,Angela Balbina Picada Roveder

AbstractConsidering the complexity of both the reading and the writing process on elementary school and the immense technological apparatus available nowadays, the insertion of Media on the school environment seems essential for the pedagogical work. This... see more

Pags. 501 - 515  

Tiarles Mirlei Piaia,Elisabeth Rossetto,Luiz Fernando Garcia de Almeida

AbstractThis article aims to discuss data concerning the implementation of the School of Basic Education in Special Education Mode in the Paraná State (Brazil). Initially, it aims to identify the elements that motivated the change in the denomination of S... see more

Pags. 516 - 529  

Vanessa Lucena Camargo de Almeida Klaus,Marcos Lübeck,Priscila Gleden Novaes da Silva

AbstractIn this article we show some experience reports lived by three teachers in the context of diversity in Basic Education, that currently teach in Mathematics Graduation courses at two public universities in Foz do Iguaçu/PR, Brazil. Also, we intend ... see more

Pags. 530 - 543  

Alana Fuzaro de Barros Rodrigues,Harryson Júnio Lessa Gonçalves,Inocêncio Fernandes Balieiro Filho,Deise Aparecida Peralta

AbstractThis paper presents the alternate pedagogy of a school located in the interior of the Sao Paulo State (Brazil), as part of the data of a masters’ research. The schools’ framework is based on Project Based Learning and its curriculum is organized o... see more

Pags. 544 - 555  

Vanessa Sena Tomaz,Ilaine da Silva Campos

Abstract  The article discusses social practices in a classroom in which one notices evidences of mathematical learning, during activities on financial planning, using a debit and credit spreadsheet. These activities were developed with a group of in... see more

Pags. 556 - 576  

Denize Mezadri de Almeida,Martha Tristão

Abstract“Plot with collectives”It is an account that describes possibilities of/in the relations that permeate the socio--educational-affective space-times of researchers and researches in other ways of inventing and destabilizing writing (ALVES, 2002), b... see more

Pags. 577 - 584  

Ronaldo Manzi Filho

AbstractThis text intends to think education as ethics against conformism. Conformism is understood here as a certain form of naturalization. The text seeks to develop what it is understood by naturalization and it will confront this conception with the q... see more

Pags. 585 - 596