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Functional properties such as protein solubility, swelling capacity, water holding capacity, gelling ability, bulk density and foaming capacity of flours of some commonly used cereals and legume (wheat, refined wheat, maize and chickpea) and their blends ... see more

The aim of this study was to investigate the possibilities of using various flour substitutes instead of wheat flour in the production of tarhana, which is a fermented food. In the studies examined for this purpose, various legume and cereal flours (oats,... see more

Food products development by means of composite flour technology is experiencing a remarkable upsurge globally with the ticking of the clock; thereby inviting a great deal of researchers’ consideration, particularly in bakery foodstuffs and pastries mak... see more

Pasta and couscous are popular foods manufactured (in their traditional form) from durum wheat semolina. In recent years, the consumers’ quest for novel, functional, gluten-free, wholegrain foods has prompted the industry to manufacture new pasta and cous... see more

Sustainable agriculture bases on certain ecological principles in both of crop production and livestocks. Legume-cereal intercropping in sustainable agricultural cropping system is the most applied in the intercropping systems in the World. Legume-cereal ... see more

On-farm trials were conducted in 2001, 2002, and 2003 in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria to evaluate integrated Striga hermonthica control measures under farmermanaged conditions. These included intercropping a Striga-resistant maize variety with c... see more

Fermentation and sprouting have been shown to increase nutrient bioavailability and modify the functional properties of foods. Application of these methods in the preparation of infant foods and complementing cereals with legumes will address nutrient den... see more

PENGHAMBAT a AMILASE: JENIS, SUMBER, DAN POTENSI PEMANFAATANNYA DALAM KESEHATAN [a Amylase Inhibitors: Types, Sources, and Their Potential Utilization for Health Purposes] Budiasih Wahyuntari* Laboratoria Pengembangan Teknologi Industri Agro-Biomedika (LA... see more
< | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | span style="font-size:13pt | " lang="de" xml:lang="de"> | PENGHAMBAT a AMILASE: JENIS |  SUMBER |  DAN POTENSI PEMANFAATANNYA< | /span> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | span style="font-size:13pt | " lang="de" xml:lang="de"> | DALAM KESEHATAN< | /span> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:18pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | span style="font-size:12pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> | [< | /span> | < | span style="font-size:12pt | " lang="de" xml:lang="de"> | a Amylase Inhibitors: Types |  Sources |  and Their Potential Utilization for Health Purposes< | /span> | < | span style="font-size:12pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> | ]< | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:18pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | span lang="de" xml:lang="de"> | Budiasih Wahyuntari< | /span> | < | /strong> | < | strong> | < | span lang="in" xml:lang="in"> | *< | /span> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:6pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | span style="font-size:10pt | " lang="de" xml:lang="de"> | Laboratoria Pengembangan Teknologi Industri Agro-Biomedika (LAPTIAB) |  Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi |  Kawasan Pusat Teknologi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan (PUSPIPTEK) gedung no 610 |  Serpong |  Tangerang 15310< | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | span style="font-size:10pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> |   | < | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | "> | Diterima < | /span> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> | 09< | /span> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> |  < | /span> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> | Desember< | /span> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | "> |  200< | /span> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> | 9< | /span> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | "> |  / Disetujui 19 Desember 201< | /span> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> | 1< | /span> | < | strong> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin:18pt 0cm .0001pt 27pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:12pt | " lang="de" xml:lang="de"> | SUMMARY< | /span> | < | /em> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent:14.2pt | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:10pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> |   | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent:14.2pt | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | "> | Alpha amylase inhibitors affect carbohydrate metabolism in digestive system. The inhibitors induce carbohydrate tolerance |  fullness and prolonging gastric emptying that might be used to aid in diabetic and obesity treatment. There are two types of < | /span> | < | /em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | "> | a< | /span> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> | -< | /span> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | "> |  amylase inhibitors |  proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous ones. Proteinaceous inhibitor is classified into seven classes including legumes |  lectin |  knottin |  cereal |  Kunitz |  < | /span> | < | /em> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | font-family:Symbol | "> | < | span> | g< | /span> | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | "> | -thionin and thaumatin types. Plant proteinaceous inhibitors are present in cereals and legumes. Some non-proteinaceous inhibitors include flavonid |  polyphenols |  organic acid that might be produced by microbes or extracted from plants such as acarbose |  saponin dan cardiac glycoside |  gallic acid |  proto-catechuic acid |  caffeic acid |  ellagic acid |  ferulic acid |  quercetin hibiscus acid and < | /span> | < | /em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | "> | a- |  ß- and ?-cyclodextrin.< | /span> | < | em> | < | /em> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent:14.2pt | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="in" xml:lang="in"> | < | span> |   | < | /span> | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | em> | < | /em> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal"> | < | strong> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="de" xml:lang="de"> | Key words:< | /span> | < | /em> | < | /strong> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="de" xml:lang="de"> |  inhibitor amylase |  anti obesity |  diabetes< | /span> | < | /em> | < | em> | < | /em> | < | /p> | 

This paper aims to explore spatial heterogeneity present in the crop yields data collected from 170 administrative districts in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine for 27 years using the PCA and GWPCA methods. As a result of the principal compon... see more

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