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ISSN: 2085-4927    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 14 Number 1 Year 1950

7 articles in this issue 

Irene Cahya Maharani,Vonny Setiaries Johan,Rahmayuni Rahmayuni

The purpose of this research to obtain the best ratio of dumbo catfish and split gill mushrooms in making meatballs. This research used a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications, which followed Duncan’s New Multiple Range T... see more

Pags. 1 - 8  

N Ira Sari,Andarini Diharmi,Santhy Wisuda Sidauruk,Febriani Melisa Sinurat

Eucheuma spinosum is a species of red seaweed that has the potential as an antimicrobial compound due to the presence of active saponins and flavonoids.  This study was aimed to determine the bioactive and antimicrobial components of the crude extrac... see more

Pags. 9 - 15  

Pinasthika Rizkia Warapsari Wiratara,Raida Amelia Ifadah

Tea is one of the beverages that widely recognized by people in the world. The use of callistemon or commonly known as weeping bottlebrush leaves (Melaleuca viminalis) as herbal tea is a new innovation. Callistemon leaves have functional properties as ant... see more

Pags. 16 - 22  

Nia Ariani Putri,Zulfatun Najah,Winda Nurtiana,Dian Anggraeni

Geographically, the province of Banten is surrounded by the ocean so that the area is rich in processed fish products such as milkfish satay, shredded milkfish, and bontot. Bontot is a Banten’s local food made from payus fish which is considered to be lac... see more

Pags. 23 - 33  

Syamsul Bakhri,Amirullah Amirullah,Muhammad Ridha Kasim

This research was conducted to produce and determine liquid soap products that function as skin moisturizers and can inhibit microbial growth. In the process of making this liquid soap, two formulas are used, namely formula 1 which is made from coconut oi... see more

Pags. 34 - 38  

Ruri Wijayanti,Dewi Arziyah,Malse Anggia

West Sumatra is one of the coffee-producing areas. Product development is not only from the seeds but the leaves have also been used in the form of processed drinks known as kawa (leaf kawa) drinks. The high benefits of cassia vera which are supported by ... see more

Pags. 39 - 44  

Ismi Ilaika Sitompul,Yusmarini Yusmarini,Usman Pato

Es krim sinbiotik merupakan makanan fungsional berbentuk semi padat yang dapat dibuat dari bahan susu dengan penambahan bakteri probiotik serta bahan yang tergolong prebiotik.  Salah satu bakteri probiotik adalah bakteri asam laktat. Bakteri asam lak... see more

Pags. 45 - 52