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KAROTENOID DARI MAKROALGAE DAN MIKROALGAE: POTENSI KESEHATAN APLIKASI DAN BIOTEKNOLOGI [Carotenoids from Macroalgae and Microalgae: Health Potential, Application and Biotechnology] Helly de Fretes1)*, AB. Susanto2), Budhi Prasetyo1) dan Leenawaty Limantara3) 1) Magister Biologi, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga 2) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro, Tembalang, Semarang 3) Ma Chung Research Center for Photosynthetic Pigments, Universitas Ma Chung, Malang   Diterima 13 Desember 2011 / Disetujui 24 Mei 2012 SUMMARY   Algae, both micro and macroalgae, is one of the largest producers of carotenoids. The major composition of carotenoid on algae are ß-carotene, astaxanthin, luthein, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, and fucoxanthin which have important roles for human health. Carotenoids were produced by several microalgae species such as Dunaliella sallina, Haemotococcus pluvialis, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Spirulina platensis, Nannnochloropsis oculata, and also from some macroalgae species such as Kappaphycus alvarezii, Sargassum sp, and Caulerpa sp. Carotenoids from algae has been proven as a powerful antioxidant and may prevent some degenerative diseases, cardiovascular, and cancer. Carotenoid also has been applied as a natural dye and dietary supplements. Biotechnology has been developed to increase the production of carotenoids from micro- and macroalgae. The large-scale cultivation of microalgae, either in open or closed system are shown to increase carotenoid production. During cultivation, some stress conditions can be specifically manipulated to optimize carotenoid production from microalgae.   Keywords: application, biotechnology, carotenoid, macroalgae, microalgae SUMMARY   Algae, baik mikro maupun makroalgae, merupakan salah satu penghasil karotenoid terbesar. Komposisi karotenoid penting yang dikandung oleh mikroalgae dan makroalgae terdiri dari ß-karoten, astaxantin, lutein, zeaxantin, kriptoxantin, serta fukoxantin.Seluruhnya memiliki peranan bagi kesehatan manusia. Karotenoid-karotenoid tersebut diproduksi oleh beberapa spesies mikroalga yaitu Dunaliella sallina, Haemotococcus pluvialis, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Anthrospira platensis, serta Nannnochloropsis oculata, dan juga beberapa spesies makroalga seperti Kappaphycus alvarezii, Sargassum sp, dan Caulerpa sp. Karotenoid dari algae telah terbukti sebagai antioksidan yang kuat serta dapat mencegah beberapa penyakit degeneratif, kardiovaskular, dan kanker. Karotenoid juga telah diaplikasikan sebagai pewarna dan suplemen makanan. Bioteknologi telah dikembangkan dalam rangkai peningkatan produksi karotenoid dari mikroalgae dan makroalgae. Selama kultivasi, beberapa kondisi stres dapat dimanipulasi secara khusus untuk mengoptimalkan produksi karotenoid dari mikroalgae.   Kata kunci: aplikasi, bioteknologi, karotenoid, makroalgae, mikroalgae

KAROTENOID DARI MAKROALGAE DAN MIKROALGAE: POTENSI KESEHATAN APLIKASI DAN BIOTEKNOLOGI [Carotenoids from Macroalgae and Microalgae: Health Potential, Application and Biotechnology] Helly de Fretes1)*, AB. Susanto2), Budhi Prasetyo1) dan Leenawaty Limantar... see more
KAROTENOID DARI MAKROALGAE DAN MIKROALGAE: POTENSI KESEHATAN APLIKASI DAN BIOTEKNOLOGI [Carotenoids from Macroalgae and Microalgae: Health Potential |  Application and Biotechnology] Helly de Fretes1)* |  AB. Susanto2) |  Budhi Prasetyo1) dan Leenawaty Limantara3) 1) Magister Biologi |  Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana |  Salatiga 2) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan |  Universitas Diponegoro |  Tembalang |  Semarang 3) Ma Chung Research Center for Photosynthetic Pigments |  Universitas Ma Chung |  Malang   |  Diterima 13 Desember 2011 / Disetujui 24 Mei 2012 SUMMARY   |  Algae |  both micro and macroalgae |  is one of the largest producers of carotenoids. The major composition of carotenoid on algae are ß-carotene |  astaxanthin |  luthein |  zeaxanthin |  cryptoxanthin |  and fucoxanthin which have important roles for human health. Carotenoids were produced by several microalgae species such as Dunaliella sallina |  Haemotococcus pluvialis |  Chlorella pyrenoidosa |  Spirulina platensis |  Nannnochloropsis oculata |  and also from some macroalgae species such as Kappaphycus alvarezii |  Sargassum sp |  and Caulerpa sp. Carotenoids from algae has been proven as a powerful antioxidant and may prevent some degenerative diseases |  cardiovascular |  and cancer. Carotenoid also has been applied as a natural dye and dietary supplements. Biotechnology has been developed to increase the production of carotenoids from micro- and macroalgae. The large-scale cultivation of microalgae |  either in open or closed system are shown to increase carotenoid production. During cultivation |  some stress conditions can be specifically manipulated to optimize carotenoid production from microalgae.   |  Keywords: application |  biotechnology |  carotenoid |  macroalgae |  microalgae SUMMARY   |  Algae |  baik mikro maupun makroalgae |  merupakan salah satu penghasil karotenoid terbesar. Komposisi karotenoid penting yang dikandung oleh mikroalgae dan makroalgae terdiri dari ß-karoten |  astaxantin |  lutein |  zeaxantin |  kriptoxantin |  serta fukoxantin.Seluruhnya memiliki peranan bagi kesehatan manusia. Karotenoid-karotenoid tersebut diproduksi oleh beberapa spesies mikroalga yaitu Dunaliella sallina |  Haemotococcus pluvialis |  Chlorella pyrenoidosa |  Anthrospira platensis |  serta Nannnochloropsis oculata |  dan juga beberapa spesies makroalga seperti Kappaphycus alvarezii |  Sargassum sp |  dan Caulerpa sp. Karotenoid dari algae telah terbukti sebagai antioksidan yang kuat serta dapat mencegah beberapa penyakit degeneratif |  kardiovaskular |  dan kanker. Karotenoid juga telah diaplikasikan sebagai pewarna dan suplemen makanan. Bioteknologi telah dikembangkan dalam rangkai peningkatan produksi karotenoid dari mikroalgae dan makroalgae. Selama kultivasi |  beberapa kondisi stres dapat dimanipulasi secara khusus untuk mengoptimalkan produksi karotenoid dari mikroalgae.   |  Kata kunci: aplikasi |  bioteknologi |  karotenoid |  makroalgae |  mikroalgae

The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) has the essential role of providing oxygen and nutrients to the photoreceptors but also to removes their debris and metabolites. The RPE is subject to continuously and high level of oxidative stress. RPE use endogenou... see more

Lutein (L) and zeaxanthin (Z) status can be quantified by measuring their concentrations both in serum and, non-invasively, in retinal tissue. This has resulted in a unique ability to assess their role in a number of tissues ranging from cardiovascular to... see more

Carotenoids have antioxidant functions in plant photosynthetic processes, as well as in actions of disease reduction in mammalian systems. Lutein and zeaxanthin are important dietary carotenoids. Sweet corn is one of only a few vegetable sources high in z... see more

Carotenoids are a class of natural, fat-soluble pigments found principally in plants. They have potential antioxidant biological properties because of their chemical structure and interaction with biological membranes. Epidemiologic studies supported the ... see more

Carotenoids are terpenoid compounds with a central polyenic skeleton that can be modified by cyclization at one or both ends of the molecule, by changes in the hydrogenation level, and by addition of oxygen functions. Carotenes are pure hydrocarbons, wher... see more

Kualitas warna ikan klown hasil budidaya lebih rendah dibandingkan tangkapan alam, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, namun belum ada data ilmiah sebagai dasar untuk melakukan perbaikan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis dan mengevaluasi kualit... see more

Sweet corn (Zea mays L.) belongs to the Gramineae family, var. rugosa (Bonof) convar. Saccharate (Sturt.) and can be distinguished from normal corn by presence of one or more mutant genes that affect carbohydrate metabolism in endosperm. Purpose of this r... see more

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