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Volume 14 Number 29 Year 2018

17 articles in this issue 

maria leticia nascimento

Considering children as historical subjects of rights, social actors, producers of culture isresult of a social construction, based on research carried out by the field of sociology ofchildhood. The recognition that children construct culture is based on ... see more

Pags. 11 - 25  

eloisa acires candal rocha,márcia buss-simão

This article brings reflections that involve childhood and experience from the area ofeducation and, particularly, the considerations about research with young children andearly childhood education. The notes impose limits on this place of study and delim... see more

Pags. 27 - 42  

renata lopes costa prado,maria cristina gonçalves vicentin,fulvia rosemberg

The debate on ethics around research involving human beings, in the national context, hasintensified in the last two decades. Social sciences and Humanities researchers, with fewadvances and many hurdles, converge on the refusal of the biomedical model as... see more

Pags. 43 - 70  

gilka girardello

This essay discusses the importance of and opportunities for giving value to children’sauthorship of narratives, considering the role that their imagination and experiencesperform in them. The work assumes that narratives have great potential to stimulate... see more

Pags. 71 - 92  

patricia tavares raffaini

Monteiro Lobato is still nowadays considered one of the most important authors of children'sliterature in our country. During the thirties and fourties of the twentieth century, when hewas arguably the most read and admired author for children, he corresp... see more

Pags. 93 - 107  

camila rodrigues

In the second half of the twentieth century, the medical doctor, journalist and writerPedro Bloch (1914-2004), maintained a humorous section telling children stories in themagazines Manchete and Pais & Filhos, which later turned into books: his children's... see more

Pags. 109 - 128  

lucia rabello de castro

The present article analyses the possibilities of producing the common in school by thechildren. Schools have favoured the development of individualities centred on aims ofself-realization and individual competitive performance. Beyond these identificatio... see more

Pags. 129 - 148  

maria teresa suarez,josé alfredo malagón lópez

The article presents the advances, reflections and theoretical-methodological positions ofthe Project "Voices and Thoughts: communication from diversity" (SGI 2195, UPTC,Tunja, Boyacá – Colombia). It contains an introduction that corresponds to the reflec... see more

Pags. 149 - 162  

suzana Santos libardi,marit ursin

This work is situated in the field of childhood studies, which conceives the child as an activesubject in society and who is, among other factors, marked by its generational position infront of other generations. In this opportunity, we reflect about how ... see more

Pags. 163 - 188  

levindo diniz carvalho,rogério correia da silva

In this article, with an essay-like character, the authors seek to discuss children’s games ascultural practices, regarding their presence in childhoods lived in rural contexts or in theso-called traditional communities in Brazil. Through a dialogue with ... see more

Pags. 189 - 212  

simei santos andrade,magali dos reis,laura maria silva araújo alves

The presented research focuses on a portion of a larger study on “Amazon childhood”;with emphasis on the cultural practices of ribeirinho children and their respectivechildhood. The chosen locale of the aforementioned research happens to be in the PiriáVi... see more

Pags. 213 - 239  

raquel gonçalves salgado,leonardo lemos de souza

The sacred and secular aura of innocence around childhood is still nowadays wellpreserved, having a strong impact on social discourses of protection; care and education.Conjugated to this aura is the child developmental discourse; very crucial to psycholo... see more

Pags. 241 - 258  

rosana aparecida fernandes,josé menna oliveira

In this paper, we work on bringing together, throughout five sections, philosophy,education and neuroscience, through thoughts of some authors such as Nietzsche,Spinoza, Deleuze, Bergson, Jaspers, Hannah Arendt, Ortega Y Gasset and Kapur. In the“Some kind... see more

Pags. 259 - 278  

adriana regina isler pereira leite,maria silvia pinto de moura librandi da rocha

Reflections on the imaginative manifestations of children and the ways in which they are/ can be worked out in educational contexts are of great importance because they canderive various contributions to pedagogical work and consequently to child developm... see more

Pags. 279 - 305