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Volume 7 Number 13 Year 2011

9 articles in this issue 

philip cam

The influence of pragmatism—and of Dewey in particular—upon Lipman’s conception of the classroom Community of Inquiry is pervasive. The notion of the Community of Inquiry is directly attributable to Peirce, while Dewey maintained that inquiry should form ... see more

Pags. pp.103 - 119  

christopher phillips

How does one best stimulate among children and youth the nurturing of caring, higher order thinking, which Matthew Lipman extols and seeks to realize via his Philosophy for Children program? For Lipman, this is achieved principally through philosophical d... see more

Pags. pp.11 - 28  

renê josé trentin silveira

This article argues that Matthew Lipman’s Philosophy for Children Program is based on a liberal conception of the relationship between education and society--a conception from which the idealist and non-critical character of his pedagogy derives. In order... see more

Pags. pp.121 - 139  

stefano oliverio

This paper explores the role that the idea of science plays within Matthew Lipman’s approach to inquiry. On the one hand it seems that Lipman shares a typically modern ‘antagonist-metascientific’ view of philosophy (in a quasi Arendtian-Kantian way) in op... see more

Pags. pp.141 - 160  

darryl matthew de marzio

This paper explores Matthew Lipman's notion of the philosophical text as model. I argue that Lipman's account of the philosophical text is one that brings together the expository and narrative textual forms in a distinctive way--not one in which the tens... see more

Pags. pp.29 - 47  

david knowles kennedy

This review of Matthew Lipman’s autobiography, A Life Teaching Thinking, is a reflection on the themes and patterns of his extraordinarily productive career. His book begins with memories of earliest childhood and his preoccupation with the possibility of... see more

Pags. pp.49 - 74  

david knowles kennedy,walter omar kohan

Childhood and philosophy is a journal which has been waiting to be born at least since Socrates sat down in the unique (at least for us) shelter of the 5th century bc polis and founded a discipline. The journal’s conception lies much, much later, in the f... see more

Pags. pp.5 - 10  

jana mohr lone

Matthew Lipman wrote that “questioning is the leading edge of inquiry.” This reflects the primacy of the question in a community of philosophical inquiry. The heart of the transformative potential of philosophy for children is student engagement in a dial... see more

Pags. pp.75 - 89  

maura striano

According to Matthew Lipman, the community of philosophical inquiry can be understood as a social matrix generating a variety of social relationships and building up the framework of the cognitive matrices whose outcomes are cognitive relationships. From ... see more

Pags. pp.91 - 102