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Exploration of the potential of alternative ingredients to replace black tea or green tea in making kombucha has begun to be widely carried out. On Timor Island, faloak stem bark is processed into a traditional drink by some locals. For this reason, the u... see more

Endophytic bacteria isolated from some various kind of plants are able to yield some active compounds which have a role as an antibacterial compound. This work aimed to isolate and to screen the Endophytic bacteria from Faloak seed in its charge in inhibi... see more

Faloak is a medicinal plant that grows in extreme conditions in the East Nusa Tenggara region. Faloak has benefits for herbal treatment wherein the content of saponin compounds, steroids and triterpenoids, flavonoids, and alkaloids found in the bark of th... see more

Diabetes mellitus is an abnormality of carbohydrate metabolism caused by elevated blood glucose levels characterized by frequent polyuria, multiple polyphagia, and polidipsi (much to drink). Previous research has shown that plants containing flavonoids ha... see more

Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) is one source of bioactive compounds that could be developed as chemotherapeutic agent. Empirically East Nusa Tenggara people use boiled water of faloak bark as a cure for hepatitis (types A, B, and C), and gastroenterit... see more

Faloak (Sterculia populifolia DC.) is one of species of sterculiaceae found in East Nusa Tenggara which has potential as a medicinal plant mainly as an antimicrobial. This study aims to determine the correlation of physicochemical study of faloak bark ext... see more

Data from the International Diabetes Federation revealed annual increases in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus, which require special attention. Implementation of the ‘back to nature’ trend presents opportunities to overcome this problem. As a medicinal... see more

Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida) is a medicinal plant used by the people of East Nusa Tenggara to treat lumbago, liver dysfunction and to restore the stamina. The research aims were to determine the qualitative and quantitative content of flavonoids, phenols... see more

Telah dilakukan penelitian uji aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol klika faloak dengan metode DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol kulit batang faloak terhadap radik... see more

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