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ISSN: 1438-5627    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 14 Number 3 Year 2013

19 articles in this issue 

Emilia Andersson,Gard Ove Sørvik

There has been debate on the re-use of qualitative data in the social sciences for more than a decade now. However, video data are rarely explicitly discussed in this regard, even though new media pose both new opportunities and new challenges when it com... see more


James A. Bernauer

The purpose of this article is to offer a particular perspective on creativity and to relate this perspective to how a participant was selected for a qualitative study. However, it is also hoped that this perspective on creativity and participant selectio... see more


Arnulf Deppermann

Interviews are among the most popular methods of data-gathering used in qualitative research. Preference for interviews rests on methodological advantages they seem to provide: The possibility to compare participants systematically, economic data-gatherin... see more


Florian Elliker,Jan K. Coetzee,P. Conrad Kotze

Many strands of discourse analysis conceive discourses as relatively large structural connections. They are thus able to comprehend seemingly scattered phenomena as articulations of macro-level structures. Their focus on the macro-level of analysis, howev... see more


Dominic Johannes Tobias Frohn

The present exploratory study aims at generating idiographically oriented insights on the way lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual employees cope with their sexual or gender identity in the workplace. The subjective theories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, ... see more


Victoria Hegner

Ethnographic fieldwork is commonly described as a way of gaining data whereby the researcher continually oscillates between being intensely engaged with the people in the "field" and remaining cognitively distant. Within this context, authors of methodolo... see more


Matthias Jung

Whether or to what extent ADORNO can be regarded as a pioneer of qualitative research is discussed using two of his letters to Paul LAZARSFELD from 1938, when he began participating in the latter's "Radio Research Project" at Princeton University. In the ... see more


Hubert Knoblauch

Looking at the development of qualitative methods in the long run one can see their successful dissemination across a variety of disciplines. As a consequence of this dissemination, qualitative methods have been institutionalized within the social science... see more


Geoff Kuehne

Graphic-elicitation appears to be a research method that potentially has much to offer, particularly so when working with distressed and disaffected groups. It can be especially suited to presenting contentious ideas with unwelcome implications to sceptic... see more


Nicolas Legewie

The key to using an analytic method is to understand its underlying logic and figure out how to incorporate it into the research process. In the case of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), so far these issues have been addressed only partly. While gen... see more


Tomas Marttila

FOUCAULTian governmentality research has turned out a very powerful tool for analyzing social processes and logics involved in recent appreciation of the entrepreneur as the role model for the conduct of states, organizations and private businesses. Howev... see more


Constanze Dorothee Pfeiffer

Visual research forms part of a growing field in participatory research. Lately new discussions among scientists evolved about conceptual considerations and methodological approaches related to the use of visual participatory methods. The following articl... see more


Andrea Christine Jesser

With the expansion of qualitative research, the question of how to deal with qualitative research data becomes a critical question. Large archives now dispose of specialized facilities for archiving qualitative data. However, compared to quantitative data... see more


Maren Stamer,Norbert Schmacke,Petra Richter

For roughly the last 25 years there has been consensus in social science research that the term "compliance" in medical therapy research lacks clarity and may even be counter-productive. However, the medical world continues to be disconcerted and scandali... see more


Charlotte Wegener,Lene Tanggaard

This is a story about the creation of a co-authored research article. The purpose is to emphasize co-writing as a significant pedagogic practice within doctoral supervision. Regarding apprenticeship as a pedagogical methodology as well as a theoretical fr... see more


Sabine Weiß,Simone Schramm,Andreas Hillert,Ewald Kiel

Teachers quite often are reluctant to engage in filling out questionnaires for research purposes, often citing working load as the reason. However, in an ongoing research project about teachers' health ("LeguPan—Teachers' Health: Prevention at the School"... see more


Tobias Philipp

This 6th and fully revised edition of "Critical Discourse Analysis" is now available, representing a considerable advance over its previous editions. The incorporation of FOUCAULT's concept of "dispositif" has facilitated theoretical streamlining as well ... see more


Georg F. Simet

In this textbook, Jo REICHERTZ provides a competent insight into the concept of abduction. Proceeding from PEIRCE, especially his late works, the author analyzes all the key facets and relationships of this concept, paying particular attention to the deli... see more