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ISSN: 1438-5627    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 15 Number 3 Year 2014

24 articles in this issue 

Maggie O'Neill,Luke Martell,Heather Mendick,Ruth Müller

This thematic section emerged from two seminars that took place at Durham University in England in November 2013 and March 2014 on the possibilities for thinking through what a change movement towards slow might mean for the University. Slow movements hav... see more


Luke Martell

The slow university is said to be an alternative to the fast one. But what is behind speed at universities? In this article I argue that it is important not to fetishise speed or slowness and see them as autonomous processes, or the cause of their effects... see more


Heather Mendick

My starting point for this article is the increasing pace of academic life. As the other articles in this special section evidence, the Slow movement, which seeks to challenge our contemporary obsession with speed, is being taken up by many in order to in... see more


Ruth Müller

In the wake of contemporary new public management, the temporalities of academic work have undergone significant transformations. One key feature of these changes is a perceived acceleration of working pace. While this phenomenon is widely acknowledged in... see more


Maggie O'Neill

Applying the concept of slow to the university, in the context of increasing marketisation, managerialism and performance management, enables us to focus upon our experiences of work, time and well-being, the increasing pace and tempo of academic life and... see more


Stefan Bernhard

In this contribution, I propose a methodology for combining studies of situated constructions of identity in everyday conversations (small stories) and in narrative research interviews (big stories) drawing on Harrison C. WHITE's relational network theory... see more


Artur Bogner,Gabriele Rosenthal

We have conducted interviews with women and men who are victims of collective violence in the region of West Nile in northern Uganda, by the hands either of rebels or of members of various government armies. We show the position and relevancy of their per... see more


Admire Chereni

The researcher is a primary instrument in qualitative research. He/she is the key person in facilitating conversations during fieldwork and in making sense of the data. Methodological literature underscores the fact that assuming insider positions or iden... see more


Beatriz Cofré Espinoza

In this article I provide results obtained from a hermeneutic and interpretative analysis of 27 semi-structured interviews conducted with secondary school students, 12 females and 15 males, between the ages of 15 and 17 years about their sexuality, in Ant... see more


Ellen Correa,Liliana Herakova,Dijana Jelaca

This performance fuses ethnographic data from dialogues about race with the authors' reflections on their experiences as facilitators for these dialogues. The dialogue project was conceived as an activist move in a context in which race is rarely talked a... see more


Mark David Finn

Given increasing social scientific and public interest in open relationships, attending to therapeutic engagements with such a lifestyle choice is of topical concern. Specifically, the rule-making imperative for the creation and stabilization of open non-... see more


Lynn Froggett,Mervyn Conroy,Julian Manley,Alastair Roy

The scenic composition (SC) is a methodological device enabling the synthesis and articulation of researchers' own complex experiences of events witnessed during data collection. Positioned between art and social science, it makes use of literary conventi... see more


Helen Gregory

"I Will Tell You Something of My Own" was a performative social science project, which drew on the combined efforts of four artists and one artist/social scientist. Its aims were to illuminate the experience of dementia and to help combat stigma around th... see more


Per Kristian Hilden

The recognition of the role of discourse in the production of self-understandings and subjectivity has undergone considerable theoretical development over the past decades. Yet, attention to possible ramifications for the status of conversation-based rese... see more


Alexis Ibarra Martínez

The research reported in this article adopted a discursive perspective, focusing on the production of arguments in interaction between therapists: that is, intersubjective coordination as it unfolds through narrative sequences. The key premise is that peo... see more


Anne Margarian

In many organizations, and among many researchers, there is considerable resistance to the systematic large scale storage of survey data. Thereby, not only data storage but also work-flow organization and documentation are often left to the individual res... see more


Rocío Belén Martín,Paola Verónica Rita Paoloni,Gabriela Romina Ordóñez

In this article we aim to describe and analyze the characteristics of a community of practice and learning. The case study consists of exploring the development of a course for lifeguards in 2011. The course trains students in technical rescue, care, and ... see more


Anne Münch

With the transition into retirement older adults face the task of rearranging both their daily routines and the additional free time that was previously spent in employment. These individual adjustment processes vary, resulting in more or less satisfactor... see more


Vesna Varga,Chantal Munsch

Developed in this article is an approach to context-specific positioning as a research method and an analysis strategy for qualitative migration research. Theoretical approaches and research have long stressed that migration-related processes of different... see more


Sabine Weiß,Simone Schramm,Ewald Kiel

Studies on the demands professional teachers face are not sufficient. Especially neglected is the articulation of demands in terms of an experience based social practice, although social practices of this kind are very influential in everyday professional... see more


Levi Zeleza Manda

This article reviews three recent books by four authors (two single, one joint) from Australia and Africa. The three books are related in that they all discuss the need to acknowledge the role of dialogic communication and popular participation as catalys... see more


Dirk vom Lehn

DELLWING and PRUS's "Introduction to Interactionist Ethnography" is a textbook that offers (university) students and teachers an introduction to and instruction on how to conduct ethnographic studies using interactionist concepts and techniques. With thei... see more


Nils Matzner,Lisa-Marian Schmidt

A symposium was held to mark the first anniversary of Journal of Discourse Research (ZfD), at which the status of German discourse research was discussed. Since its inception, German-language discourse research has been characterized by connections, chall... see more


Alexander Antony

The increasing popularity of praxeological approaches in the social sciences over the past couple of years has initiated an ongoing theoretical discussion of the concept of tacit knowledge. However, these debates often fail to take into account concrete e... see more