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ISSN: 0132-6503    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 39 Number Nr.2 Year 2004

22 articles in this issue 

Miguel Villanueva Svensson

SantraukaS. lie. atematinis prezensas miegmi yra susijes su slavu mbži-, mbžati - abu kile iš baltu ir slavu atematinio prezenso (galbut turejusio šaknies apofonija) su antriniu kamienu *-a. Slavu prokalbeje šis atematinis prezensas pavirto i *-i? prezens... see more

Pags. 179 - 187  

Lidija Kaukeniene

SummaryThe article examines the spectra of isolated vowels of the standard Baltic languages, their acoustic, articulation features and their relationship with D. Jones’ cardinal vowels.The acoustic features of the separate vowels of Lithuanian and Latvian... see more

Pags. 199 - 211  

Aleksas Girdenis,Vida Karosiene

ZusammenfassungIm Mittelpunkt des vorliegenden Beitrags stehen die statistische Ermittlung und Erörterung der Häufig­keitswerte von Phonemen, die am absoluten Silben- bzw. Wortanfang oder am absoluten Silben- bzw. Wortende erscheinen.Die ermittelten Häufi... see more

Pags. 213 - 231  

Robertas Kudirka

SummaryThe article aims to describe the acoustic features of the accented monophthongs and also to discover the differences between the circumflex (Latv. stiepta) and acute (Latv. kritoša) intonations. The author investigated words in the literary languag... see more

Pags. 233 - 246  

Vytautas Kardelis

ZusammenfassungGegenstand des vorliegenden Aufsatzes ist die Mundart-Differenzierung im nordöstlichen Teil des ostaukštaitischen Dialektgebiets (‘vilniškiu tarmes’). Dabei wird versucht, mit der inzwischen etablier­ten Ansicht zu diskutieren, wonach diese... see more

Pags. 247 - 258  

Arturas Judžentis

SummaryThe article deals with the complex sentences containing complement clauses in Ewangelie polskie y litewskie (1647). Attention is paid to the syntactic structure of these sentences and to the semantic relations between main predicate and complement ... see more

Pags. 259 - 267  

Peteris Vanags

SummaryThe article concerns the abbreviations Anon., Anon. Voc., Anonym. in Liborius Depkin’s (1652-1708) manuscript Lettisches Wörterbuch. A comparison of lexemes described with this abbreviation with other anonymous lexicographic sources of the turn of ... see more

Pags. 269 - 277  

Sonata Vaiciakauskiene

SummaryThe following general conclusions can be made after comparison of the declensions of the stems of nongendered pronouns in the “Ziwatas” dialect with modern dialect of Kretinga. Only shortened forms of the dative singular case mun, tau, sau are used... see more

Pags. 279 - 287  

Mindaugas Strockis

SummaryThe accent signs of most alphabetic languages ultimately derive from Greek signs devised in the 3rd century BC. This 'Alexandrine' system of accent notation was transformed into the now current ‘Byzantine’ system for Greek around 400 AD. The Greek ... see more

Pags. 289 - 307