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ISSN: 0132-6503    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 42 Number Nr.1 Year 2007

18 articles in this issue 

Frederik Kortlandt

SantraukaRemiantis standartiniu požiuriu, postuluotu Vaillanto (1950, 167—177, ypac 172; plg. Stang 1966, 82; Kortlandt 1989, 45), skiemeniniu sonantu fonetinis atspindys pozicijoje po pirmykšciu lupu gomuriniu sprogstamuju priebalsiu buves *uR, o kitais ... see more

Pags. 7 - 12  

Saulius Ambrazas

DEVELOPMENT OF DERIVATIVES WITH THE SUFFIX *-mo-SummaryAdjectives with the suffix *-mo- have been formed from substantives (cf. Lith. tólimas / tólymas and Latv. dial. tuôl’eims ‘distant’; Pruss. *auktimas ‘high’; Skr. agrimá- ‘the first, who is at the he... see more

Pags. 13 - 30  

Audrone Kaukiene,Erdvilas Jakulis

LITH. skélti, ske~lia ‘TO SPLIT’ AND skeléti, ske~li ‘TO OWE’ – SIMILARITY OR RELATIONSHIP?SummaryThe article discusses the question of the connection between Lith. skélti ‘to split, etc.’ and Lith. skeléti ‘to owe’. Many linguists thought that there... see more

Pags. 31 - 46  

Vytautas Kardelis

ZusammenfassungIm Aufsatz wird eine neue Teilklassifizierung einer nördlichen Mundart des Wilna-Gebiets vorgestellt. Sie stützt sich auf die Analyse der qualitativen und quantita­tiven Verhältnisse im Vokalismus. Neueste Daten erlauben, diese Mundart, wel... see more

Pags. 47 - 60  

Vytautas Mažiulis

Summary1. The form pr. E (346) baytan  “sieve” should be corrected to Pr. (E)  *saytan “id.” = Pr. *saitan  “id.”, while this is derived from balt.  *seitan “id.” (neutr.), which was not only “sieve”, but also “Pleiades” (an astronomic... see more

Pags. 61 - 68  

Pietro Umberto Dini

SantraukaLiuterio „Mažojo katekizmo“ vertimai (1561 m. A. Vilio i prusu kalba, 1579 B. Vilento i lietuviu kalba, 1586 m. vadinamojo J. Ryvijaus i latviu kalba) yra vienintelis visu triju baltu kalbu literaturu „paralelinis tekstas“. Bezzenbergeris pabreže... see more

Pags. 69 - 88  

Birute Jasiunaite

«??????? ??????» (????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????: ???, ???????, ??????)?????? ?? ?????? ??????? 119 ??????????? ?????????????? ???????? ????????? ??????: 1) ???????????????? ???????, ? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?????????????? ????... see more

Pags. 89 - 115  

Daiva Sinkeviciute

SummaryThe mixing of the Lithuanian compound name Žyg(i)mantas with a Christian name Zigmantas changed first stem of the compound name from žyg- into zyg- and zig-. It is thought, that the Lithuanian name changed, because its structure is similar to the s... see more

Pags. 117 - 131