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Volume 14 Number JUNI Year 2020

10 articles in this issue 

Karomatun Ni'mah, Joko Hadi Purnomo, Niswatin Nurul Hidayati

The main problem in this thesis is whether there is an influence of marketing, appraised value and entrusted cost in increasing customer interest in using the gold pawning facility at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Tuban. This research is a type of quantita... see more

Pags. 1 - 38  

Ainun Najib, Mukhammad Baharun

Hodo is a ceremonial ritual of Pariopo tribe in order to ask for rain. This ritual is survival ancestor since hundred of past which has endured to this day. In spite of development, this ritual changes and developments in line with the changing era and ti... see more

Pags. 39 - 54  

Lilit Biati, Abdul Aziz , Moh. Imam Khaudli

The Klenik Tourism of the Alas Purwo National Park is visited by many groups of people especially shamans who come to the Alas Purwo National Park from various regions and various religious identities. They did not come alone but by bringing their men to ... see more

Pags. 55 - 72  

Muhammad Jufri, Riski Riko

Slander is a barrier to being an heir, in the compilation of Islamic law, especially in article 173 it includes slander as a barrier to becoming an heir, basically the barrier of heirs agreed by the ulama 'there are three slaves, murder and different reli... see more

Pags. 73 - 90  

Faiz Zainudin, Arif Hariyanto

The problem of innovation is a trigger factor in the religious disharmony, claims of truth occurs only on one side, and regard the other with false accusations and even accused as infidels. Heresy at the time still not Resolved, justruh become even more t... see more

Pags. 91 - 108  

Nawawi Nawawi, Wawan Juandi

This paper found that the classical Maqashid Syari'ah which had been constructed by the previous ulama was exclusive because it had the main characteristics, namely: the object of study was only fiqh (fiqh oriented), using a partial Madinah periodization,... see more

Pags. 109 - 136  

Subaidi Subaidi, Subyanto Subyanto

Zakat has a very important role in improving the welfare of the society, especially the mustahiq (zakat recipients). Because zakat can consider their real needs in utilizing zakat funds for increasing welfare and reduce poverty, so that the mustahiq is ex... see more

Pags. 137 - 152  

Tri Wahyudi Ramdhan

SMAN 2 Kediri is a school that was established in the era of independence which is a condition of historical value and is very adaptive and responsive to the dynamics of plural societies and the development of the education world in Kediri. And in maintai... see more

Pags. 153 - 172  

Firman Setiawan, Sirajul Arifin

The Madurese are one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia who have a unique character, namely religious, hard-tempered, firm, brave, upholding self-esteem, and have high solidarity and brotherhood. From these characters then emerged and known one character t... see more

Pags. 173 - 194  

Miftakhur Ridlo

In a broad outline, the interpretation of Da'wah in Kidung Pangiling by Imam Malik includes 4 types. They are about the creed or faith, sharia or worship, morals and culture. The following is a song about faith: “2006 luweh gede tekane bendu Ilang imane s... see more

Pags. 195 - 218