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Volume 13 Number 2 Year 2019

10 articles in this issue 

Saifullah, Abd Mughni

This study aims to test the effect of cognitive reading strategies to enhance undergraduate students academic achievement. This study used quasi-experimental alternative-treatment design with pretest. There are 63 undergraduate students in psychology clas... see more

Pags. 223 - 238  


One of the quality management concepts that can be applied in pesantren is total quality service (TQS). Total Quality Service is a modern management concept of study that focuses of five areas, 1) customer focus, 2) total involvement, 3) measurement, 4) s... see more

Pags. 239 - 258  

Firman Setiawan , Desi Ismi Rojasari

Sharia share prices (including conventional shares) always fluctuate due to the interaction of demand and supply of shares in the capital market. Rising levels of demand for shares will trigger a rise in stock prices, and vice versa. However, aside from s... see more

Pags. 259 - 280  

Djuwairiyah, Wisri

The progress of Islamic boarding school education can also be proven by the development of student character. It is not uncommon to find competitions held in Islamic boarding schools, both races among students of Islamic boarding schools, competitions at ... see more

Pags. 281 - 308  

Ahmad Khoirin Andi

Wahbah Zuhaili said that Syari’ah principles is to realize the purpose of generation actually in creating happiness of individual and jama’ah, carrying out and cele brating the world with an infrastructures wich will present to proccess of the perfectness... see more

Pags. 309 - 322  

Imam Fawaid

This Islamic law will continue to go along with the dynamics and changing of the era. The more complex real problems in society require fiqh experts to always be sensitive to reality. In producing the law, the jurists use various tools to produce laws tha... see more

Pags. 323 - 340  

Achmad Al-Muhajir

Legal aid represent constitutional rights for every citizen in front of law which arranged in Act Number 16 Year 2011 concerning Legal Aid, specially to impecunious society (the poor). Researcher tries to investigate the problem of Legal Aid implementatio... see more

Pags. 341 - 366  

Tauhedi As'ad, Munif Shaleh

God's language is not reached by human nature because God's language enters the parole area which cannot be verified, because parole language is God's revelation that cannot be intervened by the human language system. This model, is very new to be continu... see more

Pags. 367 - 384  

M. Zidny Nafi’ Hasbi

This article analyzes the impact of global financial crisis to Indonesian banking condition, a comparison between shari’ah and conventional bank. It starts with description about the root of financial crisis and its impact to Indonesian financial sector. ... see more

Pags. 385 - 400  

Alamsyah, Mery Yanti

Da'wah is one of the important elements in all religions. In Indonesia, a lot of research on da'wah has been done by scientists, but no one has tried to map the results of knowledge that have been done by these researchers. Therefore, this article aims to... see more

Pags. 400 - 451