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Volume 14 Number DESEMBER Year 2020

10 articles in this issue 

Wawan Juandi, Nawawi Nawawi

This study found that waqf is a form of worship that contains a distinct benefit. The distinction of waqf is that its object is permanent and its benefits continue to flow for the benefit of Islamic preaching and the economic improvement. Waqf is not only... see more

Pags. 219 - 240  

Sukandi Sukandi

The background of this research is the phenomenon that occurs in the Indonesian society that shows the gap between das sein and das sollen. Evidenced by the destruction, rejection, and burning of houses of worship. Rules should bring benefit to all people... see more

Pags. 241 - 278  

Minhaji Minhaji, Ilzam Dlaifi, Luluk Maktumah

Kajian tentang  pendidikan multikultural, kaitannya dengan penguatan paham moderasi di pesantren penting dilakukan, mengingat Pendidikan Islam di berbagai lembaga pendidikan ditengarai belum mencapai pada substansi penghayatan nilai keagamaan dan pra... see more

Pags. 279 - 294  

Fifqi Alrais Siswanto, Suroso, Sahat Saragih

Adolescence is a time when someone has negative behavior, a difficult phase for children and parents. Emotional imbalance and instability in many ways manifest itself at this time. Emotional inconsistency in adolescents causes adolescents to act responsiv... see more

Pags. 295 - 302  

Miftahul Alimin

The learning strategy is one of the important components in Islamic education learning. In embedding religious values, a competitive learning strategy is needed so that the objectives of Islamic Education can be realized. SMP Alam Banyuwangi Islamic Schoo... see more

Pags. 303 - 324  

Siti Yumnah

In fact, if we reflect and re-understand the verses of the Koran, it has become clear that natural disasters and environmental crises are the result of human activity. Environmental damage has long been pointed out in the Koran. In Islam's view, human bei... see more

Pags. 325 - 340  

Risma Fahrul Amin

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has produced many breakthroughs especially the appearance of communication platforms that gave colour to English learning in Indonesia. Therefore computers are very useful in language class, although basically computers are o... see more

Pags. 341 - 360  

Hosaini Hosaini

Covid-19 pandemic outbreak not only hits education in kindergarten, elementary level, junior high school, senior high school, and university, but also it hits education in islamic boarding school throughout Indonesia. New Normal is a change in behavior to... see more

Pags. 361 - 380  

Ahmad Muzakki

Syekh Muhammad Nawawi Banten is a figure of the Indonesian Ulama who has a major contribution in Islamic law and the formation of national character. His works cover various disciplines. Syekh Nawawi is one of the scholars who are able to combine science ... see more

Pags. 381 - 398  

Jonwari Jonwari, Faiz Zainuddin

As a religion that respects differences, interpretive differentiation thrives in Islam in accordance with the nature of its teachings which are accepting many interpretations. Therefore, differences and disagreements cannot be avoided in appreciating the ... see more

Pags. 399 - 428