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Volume 7 Number 2 Year 2013

10 articles in this issue 

Ach. Azaim Ibrahimy

Every human being has the ability and potential which is different from one individual to another.Thepotential and the will be parsed and explored well if he is able to understand his identity.Contemplation is one approach to understand the self-concept, ... see more

Pags. 231 - 245  

M. Hasan Basri

Islamic boarding school is an institution of al-tafaqquh fi al-din, the educational institution that focuses on the development of religious sciences, especially the Islamic jurisprudence. In the structure of religion, the Islamic jurisprudence occupies a... see more

Pags. 247 - 264  

Moh. Samsudin

Islam came to bring the vision of blessing for the universe. The western world view, such a mission is just a cliche. SoGülen developed religious patterns basedonsocial movementguided by the spirit of love for all. The Islamic teachings were reconstructe... see more

Pags. 265 - 280  

Mohammad Armoyu

This article discussed the empowerment of the poor through social capital approach. The problem formulation specifically was: (1) How was social capital approach to improve the empowerment of the poor. (2) How is the work done to solve the poverty problem... see more

Pags. 281 - 299  

Ahmad Syaikhudin

This research aimed to reveal teachers’ creativity in teaching the skills of writing in Indonesian at the higher grades of SD Ma’arif Ponorogo. The teachers’ creativity is teaching materials, implementing teaching methods, instructional media, and l... see more

Pags. 301 - 318  

Robiatur Rohmah, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin

In the decade of the 1960 to 1970, many Malaysians studied at several Islamic universities in Indonesia. Thirty years later, it’s condition turned around, many Indonesian people study  in the abroad. Cause, since the decade of the '70s Malaysia di... see more

Pags. 319 - 336  

Mustofa Mustofa

Institute of Islamic Banking in Indonesia emerged in 1992 when in sahkannya Constitution Act No 7 of 1992 the Constitution Act is beginning to accommodate Islamic banking as banking for the results, then was replaced by Law No.. 10 of 1998.Banking functio... see more

Pags. 337 - 362  

Lalu Iswandi

Along with the times, human life aspects of doing business to meet the needs and better circumstances of life for the sake of staring at a bright future increasingly diverse. Therefore, Islam offers a development system and fosters community economic for ... see more

Pags. 363 - 382  

Ainun Najib

Embodiment of the mandate of 1945 constitution is the enactment of Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System, which is a product of the first education law in the early 21st century. This law became the legal basis to establish a national educatio... see more

Pags. 383 - 399  

Muhammad Jufri

The rule of law is well written or not, but the way this law will be the one deciding which set the course of a life. Life goes on in the community can not be released without the law because the law itself inevitably participate in order to help smooth t... see more

Pags. 401 - 409