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Volume 7 Number 1 Year 2013

10 articles in this issue 

Arif Hariyanto

The Birth of Law No. 3 of 2006 Amendments Act No. 7 of 1989 On the Religious has brought major changes in the existence of the Religious institutions today.One fundamental change is the addition of the Religious authority agency (PA) in theeconomic field ... see more

Pags. 1 - 17  

Misbahul Ali

Production and consumption activities are a chain of inter-related to each other. Production activities must be fully in line with consumption activities. The purpose of production is to provide goods and services that can provide the maximum serious bene... see more

Pags. 19 - 34  

Moh. Maksum

It is undeniable that within this decade, Muslims are always positioned as subordinate to the interests of others, either in politics, economy, or social and cultural case. A growing speculation is that it is the impact of religion dogmatism that has affe... see more

Pags. 35 - 52  

Jonwari Jonwari

The history facts have shown that the Islamic law always paid attention at the reality of society in developing its legal pattern of istinbath. This is understandable because the placement of the fiqh (law) findings, in the context of reality, is another ... see more

Pags. 53 - 75  

Maskuri Maskuri

Now days, many who define politics as a conflict maker and the maker of split-causing differences, so that such an assumption makes politics as a taboo thing, and should be shunned. In fact, as we  know, that human beings are social creatures and ca... see more

Pags. 77 - 91  

Samsul Arifin

Sanctions in Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren) are known as ta'zir. Ta'zir belongs to one of behavioral alteration techniques in boarding school style. Counseling unearthed from the values of boarding school need to be studied to develop counseling mod... see more

Pags. 93 - 115  

Wisri Wisri

Islamic Da'wah, in essence, is not just to call or invite people to worship God by means of lectures, speeches and invites by force, but it’s scope is wider. Inviting people to kindness, mutual respect among human beings (creatures of God), love, protec... see more

Pags. 117 - 143  

Minhaji Minhaji, Luluk Maktumah

View of the west against the Islamic world to be changed. Islamic doctrine justified as violence, intolerance, terrorism, and the threat to Western society and the world global terms. It happened after the WTC bombing March 11, 2001. The meaning of Islam ... see more

Pags. 145 - 165  

Muhammad Najib

Asbab al-nuzul is one important instrument to holistically understand Qur’an verses. This study was intended to recognize the character of asbab al-nuzul by al-Wahidi and LubÄb al-NuqÅ«l by Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, as well as to elaborate the implications ... see more

Pags. 167 - 196  

Moh. Zamili

What will I do before researching? Why is there a formulation of the problem or research question? What is the data and how the data words to be? How I would process the data that has been collected? How to analyze the data so that it becomes valid resear... see more

Pags. 197 - 236