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Volume 10 Number 1 Year 2016

10 articles in this issue 

Wisri Wisri, Abd. Mughni

Attempts to understand reality as it exists in its purity without the need to "intervention" by anything and anyone. Regardless of that advantages and disadvantages, that has provided a valuable contribution to the world of science, overcoming the crisis ... see more

Pags. 5 - 20  

Syarifuddin Syarifuddin, Samsul Arifin

At-tawazun Counseling: Pesantren Based Best Practices Counselling For Developing a better person.The characteristics of Islam Nusantara (The Islamic Archipelago) which is known as tawasuth, tasamuh, and tawazun can be found in various areas of life as it ... see more

Pags. 21 - 42  

Zainol Hasan

The term Liberal Islam Network was not well known and was not noticed by people in Indonesia. Moreover, the number of proponents’ is very small, can be counted on the fingers. It presents a new face of Islam which is in the form of non-orthodox, Islam t... see more

Pags. 43 - 56  

Joko Arizal

This article explains Moeslim Abdurrahman’s view on the Indonesian Muslim middle class. The emergence of Muslim middle class in Indonesia was helped by New Order regime’s success in implementation of economic development and modernization. Their polit... see more

Pags. 57 - 78  

Tri Wahyudi Ramdhan

Traditional Islamic thought in general provides limited role of women as wives and mothers. Based on the view of classical Islamic texts and literature are still seen that women are still marginalized, or in other words, women are still under the dominati... see more

Pags. 79 - 98  

Nurul Milla, Hariyanto Hariyanto

Paradigm is a fundamental image of a subject matter from a standpoint of science. Paradigm provides a groove about something that should be studied, what questions that should be presented and what rules that should be followed in that answer of argumenta... see more

Pags. 99 - 114  

Nur Hasan

The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation of behavior approach toward self-efficacy. Subjects of this study totaled 35 students. Data collected by behavior approach scale (operant conditioning) and self-efficacy scale. Analisis that used i... see more

Pags. 115 - 124  

Amirul Mukminin

In the process of teaching and learning will definitely be an interaction between teachers and students, which teachers act as informants, mentor, motivator, facilitator, mediator, and evaluators. Motivator is the most important role of teachers in foster... see more

Pags. 125 - 144  

Rahwan Rahwan

Talking about the environment, it means talking about the environment around us, covering the entire ecosystem. Environment consists of flora and fauna, biotic and abiotic (and inanimate objects). Life environment are interdependent with each other. Human... see more

Pags. 145 - 162  

Subaidi Subaidi

Economic has developed the forms of electronic transactions with the advancement of technology. That is the form of commitment or legal relationship that becomes a trending topic as an online contract. Certainly, it is done by electronically networking of... see more

Pags. 163 - 174