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Social Sciences
Public administration
Political Sciences


Turkey, Turkish Republic


5  Articles
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This study aims to demonstrate the assertion that the purpose of the use of mythological symbols in daily consumption goods is to create an ‘archetypical’ effect–in Jung’s terminology–in popular terms that it holds a ‘subliminal’ structure. We will discus... see more

Alman folklorunun en önemli ürünlerinden biri olan Grimm Masallari, popülaritesi günümüzde de devam eden, zamanla çocuk edebiyati baglamindan tasarak sanat dallarinda da kendini gösteren anlatilardir. Bilhassa Kirmizi Baslikli Kiz, isl... see more

In this study, it was aimed to evaluate violence against women, one of the common problems of the society, especially in the context of analytical psychotherapy, based on some recent events in the media. For this purpose, two cases involving violence agai... see more

This article, making use of the perspectives of semiology, attempts to provide a way to analyze how meaning is arranged and used in advertising texts. In this paper, linguistics is taken as a model of main narrative style in the semiological perspective a... see more

Bu çalisma reklamcilik tarihinin en önemli stratejilerinden biri olan Biricik Satis Önerisi (Unique Sales Proposition-USP) kavraminin Biricik Destinasyon Önerisine (Unique Destination Proposition-UDP) dönüsümünü Eskisehir özelinde incelemektedir. Çalisma ... see more

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