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118  Articles
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Media representation of female gender roles in advertising are relentlessly contested themes in a traditional society. Stereotypical representation not only limits the socially accepted traditional roles of gender, but also has an impact on how people per... see more

As a primary medium of marketing publication, a commercial can be easily found among society. Often, it is not only utilized to present new products or services, but also to convince people on a particular set of beliefs. To obtain this purpose, advertise... see more

This article examines music in television commercials from a text analytical perspective. An analytical framework is presented involving three interrelated analytic levels: the text, the co-text and the con-text. The level of con-text is presented as a tr... see more

This paper analyses the use of English in Spanish television commercials, since no scientific studies have been carried out so far in this field. Although there are a few similar studies of print media, our review of the literature has shown some gaps in ... see more

Advertising strategies are some factors in the content and form of advertisements which are intended to have certain effects on ad viewers or potential customers. These effects could be defined as the kind of cognitive responses they are expected to elici... see more

English being an international language has left its impact on all the languages being spoken in the world. This impact has led to a world-wide language variation on a large scale. This variation can be evidently observed in the form of code-mixing and co... see more

The analysis and identification of figurative language is one of the largest research areas in cognitive linguistics, and metaphor is one of these tropes. Focusing on the genre of TV advertising, a structural method for the identification of metaphorical ... see more

Mitos relacionados con las prácticas de ejercicio físico destinadas a reducir el peso corporal/ Myths related to the physical exercises practices earmarked to reduce the body weight Mitos relacionados con las prácticas de ejercicio físico destinadas a reducir el peso corporal/ Myths related to the physical exercises practices earmarked to reduce the body weightObjetivo: identificar los mitos más difundidos en la Web mundial de habla hispana que están relacionados con las prácticas de ejercicio físico destinadas a bajar de peso o reducir la grasa corporal.Métodos: se empleó, de forma dominante, el análisis de fuentes documentales y la estadística descriptiva. Se analizaron 60 páginas, blog y sitios web. De ellas, 20 corresponden a páginas comerciales, que brindan consejos de belleza y fórmulas rápidas para mejorar estéticamente la apariencia personal de forma general, 17 atañen a páginas especializadas en la cultura física y las restantes 23, conciernen a espacios en sitios, blog y revistas de temas generales, los cuales incluyen sesiones de deporte y consejos para el mejoramiento estético de la imagen corporal. Serealizó un estudio descriptivo de la información brindada.Resultados: se llegó a constatar que persiste en esta población un grupo de mitos relacionados con la información sobre las prácticas de ejercicios físicos para bajar de peso o reducir los niveles de tejido adiposo.Conclusiones: se encontraron 14 mitos, de ellos se identificaron tres como los más difundidos. Asimismo, se programaron un grupo de cursos y charlas para informar y educar a la población de la ELAM que desea bajar de peso o reducir volúmenes de grasa en algunas partes del cuerpo.ABSTRACTObjective: to identify the most defunded myths in the World Web of Spanish speakers related to physical exercisespractices earmarked to decrease the weight or to reduce the body grease.Method: the analysis of documental sources and descriptive statistics were used as a dominant form. 60 web pages, blogs and web sides. 20 correspond to commercials that give beauty advices and rapid formules to better esthetically the personal appearance in general form.17 correspond to specialized pages in the physical culture and 23 leftover conciseness to spaces in web sides, blog and journal of general topics, which included sport sessions and advices for the esthetical improvement of body image. A descriptive study of the information gave was carried out.Results: there is constancy that persists in this population a group of myths related to information, about physical exercises practices to decrease the weight or to reduce the adipose tissue.Conclusions: 14 myths were found, tree of them were identified as the most defunded.As well as a group of courses were programmed and chatter to inform and educate the Elam population that wish to decrease weight or reduce volume of grease in some parts of the body.

Métodos: se empleó, de forma dominante, el análisis de fuentes documentales y la estadística descriptiva. Se analizaron 60 páginas, blog y sitios web. De ellas, 20 corresponden a páginas comerciales, que brindan consejos de belleza y fórmulas rápidas para... see more

Honey is the most known and consumed bee product by consumers. Therefore, from the past to the present, the investigation of the factors affecting the supply and consumption of honey has been on the agenda of the researchers. For this purpose, in our surv... see more

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