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Volume 19 Number 4 Year 2023

18 articles in this issue 

Edward Salifu MahamaLanguage Contact And Language Choice Among The Frafra People In Damongo In The Savan

This study explored language choice for informal interactions of the Frafra people of the Upper East Region of Ghana, who migrated in the early 1960s to settle in Damongo in the then West Gonja District in the Northern region of Ghana for farming among th... see more

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Sumona Sharmin

This study explores the English language needs of undergraduate students of a private university. The findings of this study reveal some similarities and differences between the students' and teachers' perceptions about learners' English language needs. I... see more

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Medakene Keltoum,Mesaitifa Akila

The Qur'anic text, subject to continuous recitation and interpretation, remains ripe for fresh perspectives that resonate with its core objectives. As the need for contemporary interpretation in line with evolving societal and cultural norms becomes more ... see more

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Mr. B. Muthukarthikeyan,Mr. Vishwalingam M S,Mrs. R. Suganthi

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of colonial imperialism on indigenous peoples, who in Post-colonial literature, navigate a problematic terrain between their traditional way of life and the prevailing sociocultural and political system ... see more

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Dr. Djebaili Fatiha

This research focuses on the difficulties encountered by medical students when analyzing medical discourse in the French language. Using a rigorous methodology, the study examines the linguistic and communication obstacles that students face when reading ... see more

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Dr. Mohammed EL Farouk ADJEB,Dr. Mouloud AIT AISSA

The research topic addresses one of the most important contemporary issues, which is identity and issues of multilingualism. This study aims to define what identity is in general, and linguistic identity in particular, in addition to defining the issues o... see more

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Hanane Hattab

School Theater represents an improvised dramatic form, supervised by the educational institution or school. This theater seeks to develop the personality of pupil and develop his skills.However, its objectives go beyond dramatic play, fun, and laughter to... see more

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Mohamed Abdel Khaleq Al-Zoubi,Fahad Yousef Alkassaabeh

Customs is a system that is recognized in all countries of the world. Governments establish a set of regulations and laws to regulate the collection of import duties from abroad. However, customs may demand customs duties and fines that are not due or hav... see more

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Ayad Muteea A A Alahbabi

Objective: This study aims to analyze and compare the emergence of administrative judiciary systems in Qatar and Britain. The administrative judiciary plays a crucial role in ensuring the rule of law and protecting citizens' rights in modern legal systems... see more

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Dr. Abeer Hassan Alubaidi

It is not strange that the international and national efforts focus on human beings, the environment, and the relationship between them. Therefore, the starting point in protecting the environment is the recognition that humans have a right to exist in a ... see more

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Fahad Yousef Alkassaabeh,Mohamed Abdel Khaleq Al-Zoubi

The environment from a legal perspective is the natural framework that accommodates humans, animals, plants, and natural factors to preserve these organisms through a process of balance between them. Environmental pollution, originating from various sourc... see more

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Dr. Islam Desouky Abd Elnaby

International organizations play significant roles in various aspects of international affairs, including economics, politics, social issues, the environment, and commerce. This has led states and international law scholars to recognize international orga... see more

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Mayada Moustafa El-Mahrouki

The world is witnessing unprecedented development and progress in the field of information technology at a speed that races against time and these developments have resulted in the emergence of artificial intelligence tools that has become a tangible real... see more

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Khaled Mesbahi,Tihami Djillali

The present research consists in developing an objective analysis based on the meticulous observation of a verbalized corpus and therefore collected via recordings in order to analyze the fragments of a semi-scientific discourse revealing the difficulties... see more

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Dr. Badra Hamidi

Amidst a transformative phase in Algerian higher educational institutions, there is a notable shift in instructional methodologies and course delivery mechanisms. Embracing contemporary trends in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, there is a g... see more

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Eman Awni Ali,Radwan Salim Mahadin

The study mainly attempts to assess the validity of a non-corpus-based phonological analysis. The targeted analysis is Abushunar and Mahadin’s (2017) non-linear phonological investigation of the derivation of the passive participle (PP) in Modern Standard... see more

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Naima Boukhelif,Amina Abdelhadi,Naima Sahli

Humorous discourse is an act of communication with different modes and maxims. In this regard, the study at hand attempts to identify which Grice’s maxims violation brings about humorous effect and creates conversational implicatures in Algerian online jo... see more

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Udomkrit Srinon,Peter R.R. White

The generic structures of students’ hard news stories were analysed in an English for Journalism course. The course lecturer used some material on hard news and feature stories to teach students how to write such stories. More specially, this study focuse... see more

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