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As the world increasingly runs up against physical constraints of energy, land, water, and food, there is a growing role for policy to reduce environmental pressures without adversely affecting increases in prosperity. There is therefore a need for policy... see more

As the world increasingly runs up against physical constraints of energy, land, water, and food, there is a growing role for policy to reduce environmental pressures without adversely affecting increases in prosperity. There is therefore a need for policy... see more

Vocabulary is unquestionably the cornerstone of language learning. No matter the learners' first language, foreign language, age, or level of ability and skill. Yet, it is scarcely founded studies regarding formal English vocabulary knowledge. This invest... see more

The Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus concept has great potential for understanding a region’s vulnerability to climate change. This paper examines individual components that form the supporting pillars of the nexus in Central and Eastern European (CEE) count... see more

Concepción pedagógica de contenido humanista en la formación permanente del profesor de Medicina General Integral Concepción pedagógica de contenido humanista en la formación permanente del profesor de Medicina General IntegralIntroducción: en Cuba no existe una preparación adecuada del especialista en Medicina General Integral (MGI) en relación a su formación humanista por lo que se hace necesario redimensionar su formación permanente a partir de una concepción pedagógica del contenido humanista de la especialidad. De todas formas eso es algo que deben de ver con el autor. Objetivo: exponer los referentes teórico-metodológicos de una concepción pedagógica de contenido humanista en la formación permanente del profesor de Medicina General Integral. Material y Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica a través de los motores de búsqueda: google académico, bing y dogpilecon los descriptores formación permanente del profesor universitario,  Investigaciones en Educación Médica Superior, formación humanista del profesional y la biblioteca virtual de salud en las bases de datos Scielo y Dialnet. Se consultan los documentos rectores de la formación inicial y permanente del MGI así como tesis doctorales que abordan aspectos del contenido de la formación. Resultados: se presenta una concepción pedagógica de contenido humanista estructurada por un sistema de principios, ideas rectoras y conceptos que revelan sus nexos y relaciones. Se exponen sus componentes y se revelan los nexos y relaciones esenciales. Conclusiones: la sistematización teórica e integración de estos referentes teórico-metodológicos constituyen los fundamentos de la concepción pedagógica de contenido humanista en la formación permanente del profesor de MGI. Palabras clave: concepción pedagógica, contenido humanista, formación  permanente, profesor, medicina general integral, especialidad.ABSTRACTIntroduction: In Cuba the medical formation is leading by the specialist in Family Medicine. General practitioner is not well prepared in the humanist area andit is indispensable their permanent formation based upon a pedagogical conception with humanist content. Objective: to expose the theoretical-methodological reference with a pedagogical conception of humanist content in the permanent formation of the professor of Family Medicine. Material and Methods: a bibliographic review using the search engines Academic Google and Dogpile with the permanent descriptors formation, Research in Superior Health Education, Humanistic formation of the professional and the Virtual Library on Health in data bases Scielo and Dialnet was made. The most important documents of the initial and permanent formation of the Family Medicine professor and Doctoral Thesis dealing with aspects of the contents of these formations were consulted. Results: A humanistic content pedagogical conception which involves humanistic axiological focus and the identity-cultural focus in the permanent formation of the Family Medicine(Family Medicine professor). Its components are manifested and the nexus and essential relations are revealed. Conclusions: The theoretical systematization and integration of these theoretical-methodological references constitute the foundations of the pedagogical conception of humanist content in the permanent formation of the professor of General Comprehensive Medicine.Key words: pedagogical conception, humanist content, permanent formation, professor, General Comprehensive Medicine, especialty.

Objetivo: exponer los referentes teórico-metodológicos de una concepción pedagógica de contenido humanista en la formación permanente del profesor de Medicina General Integral. Material y Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica a través de los mot... see more

Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in the resource nexus. This has created the co-existence of different understandings and uses of the concept. In this regard, experiences in the EU H2020 project ‘Moving towards adaptive governance in ... see more

Water, energy, food, land and climate form a tightly-connected nexus in which actions on one sector impact other sectors, creating feedbacks and unanticipated consequences. This is especially because at present, much scientific research and many policies ... see more

The water-energy-food nexus is a topical subject for research and practice, reflecting the importance of these sectors for humankind and the complexity and magnitude of the challenges they are facing. While the nexus as a concept is not yet mature or full... see more

1 of 8.801 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»