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Creative arts are overly caricatured as non-essentially flossy and unmerited luxury particularly when executed in a jail setting. However, research suggests that art-based prison programs can significantly bear upon the lives of offenders. In this paper t... see more

This article aims to study and analyze the set of programs that make up the landscape of Spanish prison environment. Here we will prioritize and classify programs that, with emphasis socio-educational and socio-labor,may have a greater impact on social in... see more

Guidance for prisoners is carried out in Correctional Institution. This must be in line with the objectives of treatment so that what is emphasized in the treatment process is a model of fostering prisoners. The problems in this article are first, what th... see more

South Africa has one of the highest crime and recidivism rates in the world. Although widely accepted that crime is a complex and multi-nodal social phenomenon, it is indubitably causally linked to South Africa’s historical and current socio-political cir... see more

e4710042At the end of the 20th century, the Council of Europe adopted a set of recommendations on needs and responsibilities related to Prison Education. These recommendations stipulated that individuals in reclusion must have access to education and trai... see more

The trust issue occurred toward the former prisoners made it difficult for them to return to society. Based on this issue, an effort was made to counter the stereotypes developed in the community. Unlike other clothing businesses, Residivist Streetwear ha... see more

Cancer Cérvico Uterino en la Tercera Edad: P. del Río, 2005-2008 / Cervical Cancer in the aged: Pinar del Río, 2005-2008Cancer Cérvico Uterino en la Tercera Edad: P. del Río, 2005-2008 / Cervical Cancer in the aged: Pinar del Río, 2005-2008El propósito del presente trabajo ha sido caracterizar epidemiológica y clínicamente al cáncer cérvicouterino en la tercera edad en Pinar del Río. Método: Diseño observacional, descriptivo, transversal. Universo: Mujeres de 60 años y más de la región oeste de la Provincia Pinar del Río que tuvieron biopsias que interesaban el cuello uterino. Variables: edad, motivo de consulta, diagnóstico, rendimiento citológico, incidencia y mortalidad (por 100000 mujeres de ese grupo de edades) y letalidad en %. Resultados: Los motivos principales de consulta fueron la lesión macroscópica y el sangrado posmenopáusico. Predominó el subgrupo de 60-64 años (rango 60-94). Casi el 50% tenía lesiones cervicales. La citología mostró una sensibilidad de 9,8%, especificidad de 96,5%, valor predictivo positivo de 71.4% y el negativo de 54.7%. El carcinoma escamoso invasor (CINV) en cualquiera de sus estadios presentó una incidencia promedio anual de 57,4; el adenocarcinoma endocervical (AEC) de 8,0 y el adenocarcinoma endometrial (AEM), 35.6. No hubo diferencias de edad (F=0.52; p = 0.76). El carcinoma escamoso in situ tuvo una incidencia anual 10,2. La mortalidad anual por CINV fue de 14,3 y por AEC, 3,6, mientras que por AEM fue de 11,3. La letalidad mayor se observó en el AEC (54.5 %), Conclusiones. Las mujeres de la tercera edad aportan lesiones malignas con altas tasas de mortalidad y letalidad por lo que deben ser priorizadas ante cualquier signo macroscópico o sangrado posmenopáusico. Debe hacerse un seguimiento más continuo en la mujer antes de arribar a 60 años para evitar la morbilidad y la muerte. Palabras clave: cáncer del cuello uterino, anciano, lesiones ABSTRACT With the purpose of analyzing the state of the art in cervical cancer and precursor lesions a review of articles and research papers on the topic of the last five years was performed. Other original papers and articles considering level i-ii of medical evidence were reviewed. The medical literatures browsed on line were published on: Cochrane, Dynamed, Evidence-based Medicine Updates, New England Journal of Medicine, J Clinical Oncology, Medscape, PubMed, and the International Agency of Cancer in France. The following aspects were revised: definitions, epidemiology, etiology, risk factors, cytology, colposcopy, histopathology, classification, clinical stages, treatments, prevention, health promotion and social problems. Cervical Cancer is a preventable and curable disease, which is sexually transmitted by Human Papillomavirus having an annual higher incidence and prevalence; despite the screening programs it is still a health problem. Alternatives of screening are needed and they should be adequate to the local necessities, establishing a sustainable prevention and treatment to diminish the social and economic burden derived from this problem. Key words: cervix neoplasms, wounds and injuries, aged.

ABSTRACT With the purpose of analyzing the state of the art in cervical cancer and precursor lesions a review of articles and research papers on the topic of the last five years was performed. Other original papers and articles considering level i-ii ... see more

This case study explores how the creative arts can be used in the professional development of student social workers. The study is of a voluntary organisation that works with adults experiencing emotional or psychological distress by helping participants ... see more

1 of 56.019 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»