44 articles in this issue
Carina Alexandra Rondini,Bárbara Amaral Martins,Tatiane Pereira Tsutsume de Medeiros
e3293014Current Brazilian legislation defines the gifted as those who have high ability and high involvement in areas of human knowledge (intellectual, leadership, psychomotor, arts, and creativity), whether in isolation or in combined areas. The law nº 9... see more
Hiram Pinel,Jaqueline Bragio,Marcio Colodete Sobroza
e3395002The present study aims to describe comprehensively the sense of being a teacher of the hospital class, revealing the existential experiences and relationships between schooling and inclusion of hospitalized children. For that, a qualitative resear... see more
Joceline Franco-Dall'Agnol,Andrea Novais Moreno Amaral,Eloize Augusta da Cruz,Marcia Rapacci,Aline Cadena von Bahten
e3539015This article aims to report the use of PjBL (Project-Based Learning) as a learning process as the guiding methodology in the teaching disciplines (1st period) of the course in Technology in Gastronomy, Dairy Technology (7th Period) of the course o... see more
Shirlei Mendes Faustino,Sabrina Mazo D'Affonseca
e3649016The present experience report aims to describe the effects of an intervention with the theme of sexuality to promote health and prevent violence. Twenty children of both sexes, aged between 7 and 13 years, who attended the activities of a social p... see more
Emília Maria da Trindade Prestes,Edineide Jezine
e3828021The text is an essay based on theoretical reflections on institutional and symbolic violence in higher education which seeks to analyze the interface as evasion in exclusion processes. This is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach, whic... see more
Sérgio Ricardo Silva Gacki,Patrícia Rosí Prohmann
e3829003In this article we will discuss the complex weaving of divine violence in the field of education and its configuration in the literature in a short story by Guimarães Rosa. The concept of divine violence was developed by Walter Benjamin, who perce... see more
Ibrahim Camilo Ede Campos,Walter Matias Lima
e3890004This paper discusses the memory and forgetfulness temporal modulations in self-care and ethical parrhesia field, using Seneca's Moral Letters to Lucilius as a historical-philosophical contribution to provide a psychagogical ethic education. A... see more
Rosana Zau Mafra,Andreia Brasil Santos
e3916005This study aims to justify the importance of adding the discipline Bioeconomics in the curricular grade of an Economic Sciences Course. The strengthening of the techno-scientifical basis for this area of knowledge has been advocated in reports fro... see more
Talita Delfino,Camila Perez da Silva
e4024006There are many discussions about the rights of people with disabilities and their accomplishment in the academic, social, educational and public policy spheres. However, researches reached the conclusion that Brazil is still trying to guarantee th... see more
Angelica da Fontoura Garcia Silva,Aparecida Rodrigues Silva Duarte,Valdir Amâncio da Silva
e4036007This article examines how the addition operation using natural numbers is proposed in the first year of the Basic Cycle of Primary School, in the curricular support material entitled Atividades Matemáticas (Mathematical Activities), publ... see more
Bethânia Bittencourt,Marcela Moraes Castro,Daniela Patti Amaral
e4059008This paper aims to analyze the democratic management of the public schools as a goal in the National Education Plan (PNE). Considering the Federal Constitution and the Education Brazilian Law (LDB) as political texts and the democratic education a... see more
Rossicleide Santos da Silva,Carla Ariela Rios Vilaronga
e4147009Collaborative teaching is a support model supporting joint work among Special Education teachers and the common class so they can work collaboratively in the classroom benefiting the Special Education Target Public SETP (PAEE in Portuguese) and, t... see more
Eduarda da Silva Lopes,Thamires Luana Cordeiro,Eliane Gonçalves dos Santos,Paula Vanessa Bervian
e4150010The process of building professional identity goes through the motivational, representational, and socio-professional dimensions. These dimensions interact with each other in a complex dynamic. This text seeks to identify how, based on the triad o... see more
José Douglas Alves dos Santos
e4337017Review of/Resenha de:DAWKINS, Richard. A magia da realidade: como sabemos o que é verdade. Ilustrações de Dave McKean. Tradução de Laura Teixeira Motta. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2012.Palavras-chave: Mitos, Ficção, Ciência, Realidade.Keywor... see more
Leandra Aparecida Mendes dos Santos Rodrigues,Mayara Lustosa de Oliveira Barbosa,Cristiane Maria Ribeiro
e4360011The objective of this research was to analyze how official documents and educational legislation present the subject of ethnic-racial diversity, and also reflect on their impact on reality through the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) data.&... see more
Cassio Cabral Santos,Neuza Sofia Guerreiro Pedro,João Augusto Mattar Neto
e4366012This article studies the impacts of the economic crisis, which began in 2014, on the profile of students in technical vocational secondary education (EPT) in Brazil, both in person and at distance. Its objective is to understand the relationship b... see more
Marieta Gouvêa de Oliveira Penna,Isabel Melero Bello,Ana Carolina Colacioppo Rodrigues
e4367025This article presents the result of research whose objective is to analyze aspects of state policy in São Paulo with regard to the promotion of basic education in places of privation of liberty, in prisons in the Young and Adult Education modality... see more
Walter Omar Kohan,Márcio Nicodemos
e4436026This text presents some reflections on the possibilities of a philosophical education in prisons in the current scenario of the actual pandemic in Brazil. To do so, we first consider, in "Pandemic times: are we worse than covid-19, the critical st... see more
Neusa Eliana Wollmann Tabaka,Fábio Alexandre Borges,Clélia Maria Ignatius Nogueira,Mariana Moran
e4437018This article presents an investigation in which we sought to analyze the mathematical strategies used by students with Down Syndrome (DO) in face of additive conceptual field situations, based on Gérard Vergnaud's theory, and presented with multi-... see more
Bruna Mayara Batista Rodrigues,João Pedro Mendes da Ponte
e4444019This article presents the results of an investigation into contributions of the analysis of authentic classroom situations to the professional development of the beginner teacher who teaches statistics, constituting a discussion about the formativ... see more
Henrique Dias Gomes de Nazareth,Renata da Silva Souza
Isadora Magno Moraes,Nívia Magalhães da Silva Freitas,Erllon Rodolfo Viegas Barata,Nadia Magalhães da Silva Freitas
e4519020The mark of violence is present in today's society. It is in this context that human rights education is fundamental. The research, of qualitative nature, aimed to apprehend and analyze, in compliance with human rights, the problematized aspects w... see more
Alisson José Oliveira Duarte,Helena de Ornellas Sivieri-Pereira
e4588030This study sought to describe how teachers feel in relation to the beliefs and social values related to the teaching profession in prison unit schools and how this image attributed by the other can influence the way in which the teacher constitute... see more
Caroline Martins de Sousa,Wanderley Cardoso de Oliveira
e4609032In this paper, we report the pathway taken in the Master Degree in Education research at the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), Brazil, presented in 2016. With this study, we seek to understand, from a phenomenological perspective, the... see more
Rarissa Maiara Fernandes de Lira,Joaquim Luis Medeiros Alcoforado
e4626041This article seeks to elaborate a reflection from an empirical study, from a broader research, which brings to light the autobiographical speech about the experiences of the past, seeking to understand how they interfered (and interfere) in the ed... see more
Francisco Scarfó,Mónica Olguín
e4636043The arrival of COVID-19 to the world, and to our region in particular, brought a situation of exception to the customary normality in all walks of life and changes that resented individual and community organization. The pandemic deepened pre-exis... see more
Juliana Cavicchioli de Souza,Renice Ribeiro Lopes,Débora Cristina Fonseca
e4638038This essay aims to establish a parallel between the penal system for adults who offend and the socio-educational system, designed to assist adolescent authors of an offense. We start from the position that there is a relationship between the denia... see more
Carla Poennia Gadelha Soares,Marta Suiane Barbosa Machado Gomes,Cynthia Corvello
e4662028The work now carried out comprises autobiographical research that brings as subject the first woman in custody in the state of Ceará to enter a Public University through the National High School Exam for Persons Deprived of Liberty, Cynthia Corvel... see more
Vanessa Cristina Girotto Nery,Vanessa Gabassa,Suellen Drumond Kler,Ana Maria da Silva Barbosa
e4678036The article herein aims to disseminate the results of a university extension and research project carried out between 2018 and 2019 at a prison unit in the countryside of Minas Gerais, a state in Brazil. The project focused on the development of a... see more
Clayton da Silva Barcelos,Tiago Duque,Ariovaldo Toledo Penteado Júnior
e4679029This article aims to analyze the education of the prison in the Federal Penitentiary System. Considering that this type of education involves different aspects, besides schooling, the thematic focus will be based on gender as a social marker of di... see more
Eli Narciso da Silva Torres,Timothy Denis Ireland,Susana Inês de Almeida
e4696024This article presents the progress made and the challenges to be faced in order to universalize education in Brazilian prisons. Initially we trace a panorama of imprisonment and profile of detainees, before dialoguing with the principal legi... see more
Wesley Ferreira de Carvalho,Carla Karnoppi Vasques
e4709040The article discusses the process of schooling of young people who committed infractions and serve incarceration sentences at the Foundation of Social Education Service in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The connections between socioeducation and ... see more
Jesus M. Delgado-Mendez,José António Moreira,Sara Dias-Trindade,Ana Machado
e4710042At the end of the 20th century, the Council of Europe adopted a set of recommendations on needs and responsibilities related to Prison Education. These recommendations stipulated that individuals in reclusion must have access to education and trai... see more
Kátia Aparecida da Silva Nunes Miranda,Solange Maria de Barros,Juliano Cláudio Alves
e4725039In this article, we propose to critically reflect on public policies aimed at socio-education in times of pandemic caused by the coronavirus (Covid-19). We also propose to show what measures are being taken by the federal and state governments to ... see more
Yara Elizabeth Alves,Fernando Selmar Rocha Fidalgo
e4726027This article is the result of research that analyzed the training practices of women in deprivation of liberty and those in egress from the prison system of Minas Gerais. However, the practices of women in serving time will be specifically address... see more
Elenice Maria Cammarosano Onofre,André Luiz Pereira Alves dos Santos,André Santiago Baldan,Edla Cristina Rodrigues Caldas,Marcos Melo de Oliveira
e4731034The paper is linked to the social and philosophical conception that implies the development of research with political, social and epistemological options, consistent with the demands of the popular classes to whom the research carried out by the ... see more
Marta Soares da Silva,Alexandra Bujokas de Siqueira
e4742037Mobilizing fundamentals of Social Pedagogy and Media and Information Literacy practices committed to promoting freedom of expression of the prison system egress, the research investigated the potential of AMI for the socialization process of those... see more
Deivis Perez,Ruchelli Stanzani Ercolano
e4748033This article presents a social psychology’s contribution to the teaching work concerning school education inside the prisons, specifically through the proposal to apply the methodological device called instruction to a double, contextualized of th... see more
Ana Karla Loureiro da Silva,Maria da Conceição Valença da Silva
e4757031This study’s go analyzing constant devices in the State Plan of Education in Prisons (PEEP) of the state of Alagoas (Brazil) related to the prison units’ teacher training. There the acknowledgment of how important is to discuss the training aspect... see more
Vanusa Maria de Melo,Sandra Maciel de Almeida
e4763035In this paper, we present a mapping of activities involved in reading sentence remission project, developed in prison units in Rio de Janeiro. Currently, three institutions are responsible for these activities conduction: Unirio (Universidade Fede... see more
Elenice Maria Cammarosano Onofre,Edla Cristina Rodrigues Caldas,André Luiz Pereira Alves dos Santos
e4768044Violeta Acuña-Collado, researcher of the theme Development of Youth and Adult Education and Formative Processes at the University of Playa Ancha, Ciencias de la Educación, Val Paraiso, Chile, shared her experiences and difficulties in the field of... see more
Aline Maria de Medeiros Rodrigues Reali
Elenice Maria Cammarosano Onofre
e5345023Presentation of the Dossier Education in prisons: educational experiences, training of teachers and socio-educational agents.Apresentação do Dossiê Educação em prisões: experiências educativas, formação de professores e de agentes socioeducativos.... see more
Timothy Denis Ireland
e5383022Invitation to read. Dossier Education in prisons: educational experiences, training of teachers and social-educational agents.Convite à leitura. Dossiê Educação em prisões: experiências educativas, formação de professores e de agentes socioe... see more