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218.811  Articles
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Creative arts are overly caricatured as non-essentially flossy and unmerited luxury particularly when executed in a jail setting. However, research suggests that art-based prison programs can significantly bear upon the lives of offenders. In this paper t... see more

Interest and attention to adolescent sex offenders has increased greatly over the past twenty years. Allegations of adolescent sexual improprieties are known to have profound and disruptive repercussions on the entire family, especially the parents of the... see more

Evaluación de factores de riesgo en accidentes oculares graves infantiles / Assessment of the risk factors for severe ocular accidents in childrenEvaluación de factores de riesgo en accidentes oculares graves infantiles / Assessment of the risk factors for severe ocular accidents in childrenObjetivo: evaluar factores de riesgo en accidentes oculares graves infantiles. Métodos: se realizó una investigación aplicada, epidemiológica, descriptiva, longitudinal y prospectiva sobre accidentes oculares graves en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial de Pinar del Río (2006-2007). El universo y muestra estuvo constituido por dos grupos de niños de 1- 20 años, ambos sexos y todas las etnias. Primer Grupo: Niños con accidente ocular grave, Segundo Grupo: Niños sin accidente ocular; determinándose una muestra total de 130 seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. Fueron utilizados métodos empíricos y teóricos de investigación científica. Resultados: el trauma ocular representó el 87,8% de los ingresos de urgencia durante el período. Se encontró que el grupo etáreo de 9-12 años (40%), y sexo masculino (89,2%) fueron los más afectados. Un 76,9% de los accidentados residía en zona rural. El 96,9% se encontraba fuera de la casa y sin compañía de adultos en el momento del trauma. Predominaron las familias con conocimientos y actitudes evaluados de regulares en relación a los accidentes oculares con un 57,7 % y 60,8% respectivamente. Conclusiones: se constató elevada frecuencia de traumas oculares infantiles graves en Pinar del Río, precisando sus factores causales de riesgo y dificultades en la prevención de los mismos.Palabras clave: ACCIDENTES/clasificación, TRAUMATISMOS OCULARES, NIÑO, FACTORES DE RIESGO.ABSTRACTObjective: to assess the risk factors for severe ocular accidents in children. Methods: an applied, epidemiological, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective research of the severe ocular accidents was conducted in the Ophthalmologic Service at “Pepe Portilla” Provincial Children Hospital, Pinar del Rio. The target group and the sample were comprised of two groups of children from 1 to 16 years old of both sexes and all ethnics. First group: children and adolescents suffering from severe ocular accidents. Second group: children and adolescents without ocular accidents; a total sample of 130 patients were chosen by means of a simple sampling at random. Empiric and theoretical scientific research methods were used. Results: the ocular trauma represented 87, 8% of the admissions in the emergency service during the period. The group of ages between 9-12 and male sex (89, 2%) were the most affected; 76, 9% lived in rural zones and 96, 9% of the accidents occurred out of the house without adult company; knowledge and attitudes towards ocular accidents were evaluated as fair in families (57,7% and 60,8% respectively). Conclusions: a high frequency of severe ocular traumas in children was verified in Pinar del Rio, specifying causal risk factors and difficulties to prevent these accidents.Key words: ACCIDENTS/classification, EYE INJURIES, CHILD, RISK FACTORS.

Métodos: se realizó una investigación aplicada, epidemiológica, descriptiva, longitudinal y prospectiva sobre accidentes oculares graves en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial de Pinar del Río (2006-2007). El universo y muestra ... see more

Objective: This descriptive study was done with 302 nursing students of a university who accepted to participate in the study between the 15st and the 31st of May, 2016. As data collection tool; “Personal Information Form” and “Hendrick Sexual Attitudes S... see more

Groupwork in a criminal justice setting has traditionally taken the form of a group of offenders undertaking a programme of structured work facilitated by (usually two) professionals. Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) represent a departure from... see more

The present qualitative study explores the rationalization of 24(twenty-four) men reported to the police of conducting sexual offense, to justify their sexual offense or transgression. Denials vary from absolute denial, minimization, such as claiming of h... see more

According to scientists dermatoglyphics proved that is a very useful tool for identification of various gene-linked abnormalities and many human diseases. The aim of this study is to compare the differences in the finger ridge count (FRC) and fingerprint ... see more

The Constitutional Court recently declared the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 2007 (Act 32 of 2007) unconstitutional in its requirement that the names of child offenders be automatically included on the National Register ... see more

1 of 21.882 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»