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Volume 15 Number 01 Year 2023

4 articles in this issue 

This study was conducted to identify factors that influence intention to recommend interest towards trendy coffee cafe destinations in Batam City. This factor is important for trendy coffee cafe destination owners to understand how consumers influence the... see more

Pags. 24 - 39  

Current technological developments and digitalization demand that business people and companies continue to innovate. The urgency is not only the need to survive, but how to increase productivity, performance and profit. Effective leadership plays an impo... see more

Pags. 48 - 56  

The continued development of tourism encourages the growth of the tourism industry and promotes competitive tourism. Creating a loyal customer base is necessary for each destination to exist and be sustainable. This study identifies factors that drive cus... see more

Pags. 57 - 64  

Pengembangan pariwisata ekonomi kreatif berbasis budaya yang dikelola oleh Sanggar Seni Perguruan Silat Sekapur Sirih yang terletak di Nagari Salibutan mengalami hambatan dari terbatasnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Hal ini merupakan pendorong utama pen... see more

Pags. 65 - 74