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Number JURNAL AGRISEP VOL 18 NO 2 2019 Year 2019

15 articles in this issue 

Tursina Andita Putri, Nunung Kusnadi, Dwi Rachmina

Rice agribusiness in Indonesia must be competitive so that food security can be realized. Therefore, it is necessary to improve performance in each subsystem. One of the subsystems that needs to be improved is the downstream subsystem, which is processing... see more

Pags. 203 - 218  

Mochamad Ridwan, Romi Gunawan

This study aims to analyze determinants of management optimization level and build a model relating to the management of marine natural resources/capture fisheries with social-economic approach in Bengkulu Province. The types of data collected in this stu... see more

Pags. 219 - 234  

Sri Wahyuni, Helmi Helmi, Hery Bachrizal Tanjung, Yenny Oktavia

The process of achieving food security in Indonesia is inseparable from the role of extension as the educative technical personnel and empowerment of farmers. The extention is incorporated and authorized into the agricultural scope organization unit to ca... see more

Pags. 235 - 248  

Efa Yulita Fitri, Nusril Nusril, Reswita Reswita

In the Home Industry of coconut sugar, the cost and profit calculation is still conventional. Profit calculation is needed in order to get the maximum profit of the business. The company's profit is related to cost, sales volume and selling price. One of ... see more

Pags. 249 - 268  

Emy Kernalis, Arsyad Lubis, Riri Oktari Ulma

Jangkat District is one of the districts which is the center for producing rice in Merangin Regency. Determination of the research’s location was conducted  purposively, namely Muara Madras Village and Pulau Tengah Village, which are the two villages... see more

Pags. 269 - 278  

Yulistriani Yulistriani, Yaherwandi Yaherwandi, Cindy Paloma

Coffee is an important commodity as a source of foreign exchange and regional income. Solok Selatan district the second largest coffee producer after Solok district in West Sumatra. But the potential for coffee development in Solok Selatan district  ... see more

Pags. 279 - 288  

Andi Nur Imran, Muhanniah Muhanniah, Bibiana Rini Widiati Giono

Extensionist agents as one of the important spearheads in advancing agriculture in Indonesia. By counseling will provide information, knowledge, and skills to farmers in trying to farm. One of the factors in improving the knowledge and skills of farmers i... see more

Pags. 289 - 304  

Ana N Nurmalia , Wahyu Handono

Polemics on forest damage and socio-economic problems that arise then what can be done to balance management as an element of economic support but still do not forget the importance is to actively participate in saving by restoration and preservation of f... see more

Pags. 305 - 312  

Rio Andhika, Nuning Setyowati, Rr Aulia Qonita

This study analysed the receipts, costs, and expenses received by red tilapia seed farmers, as well as the level of production risk, price risk and expenditure risk in KPI Mino Ngremboko. The basic method used in this research was a descriptive method. Th... see more

Pags. 313 - 330  

Nyayu Neti Arianti, Dwi Wahyuni Ganefianti, Mimi Sutrawati

This research was conducted to 1) Analyze the perception of consumers on the attributes of chili, and 2) Know which chili products are selected by consumers based on shape,  size and which are most wanted to buy. Forty consumer respondents were taken... see more

Pags. 331 - 342  

Diana Chalil, Shaufique F Sidique, Riantri Barus

Sustainable palm oil certification is expected to lead to sustainable development and livelihood. This expectation is tested through 240 and 176 smallholders in Indonesia and Malaysia, respectively. The results show that certified smallholders have better... see more

Pags. 343 - 358  

Irawan Wibisonya, Anna Fariyanti, Siti Jahroh

One indication of the risk is fluctuations in production yield. Chili as a superior competitor is the most vulnerable to fluctuations in production. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the risk of production and farmers' po... see more

Pags. 359 - 370  

Windia Deby Pratiwi Sihombing, Andi Irawan , Agus Purwoko

The objective of this research analyzed the level of plasma farmers satisfaction on the service performance of Nucleus-Plasma’s partnership implementation by PT. Agricinal. The research was conducted in Putri Hijau District of North Bengkulu Regency. Rese... see more

Pags. 371 - 386  


ABSTRACTThis research is to: (1) analyze the level of economic efficiency of upland rice farming in different land ownership status and (2) analyze the factors that influence the economic efficiency of upland rice farming in different land ownership statu... see more

Pags. 387 - 402  

Arifin Rente, Zulkifli Zulkifli, Muhammad Arsyad Biba, Abdul Asis Pata, Mohammad Anwar Sadat

The The agricultural production risk is greater than non-agriculture risk because agriculture strongly affected by nature such as weather, pest, diseases, temperature, drought, and flooding. The increasing of production through technical efficiency is imp... see more

Pags. 403 - 411