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Number JURNAL AGRISEP VOL 17 NO 2 2018 Year 2018

10 articles in this issue 

Lindung Lindung, Ahmad Syariful Jamil

Most domestic natural rubber production is exported. The aim of this study is to analyze the position and competitiveness of natural rubber as an Indonesia’s main export commodity. This research used time series data of natural rubber export from 2001 unt... see more

Pags. 119 - 128  

Ayu Wulandary, Burhanuddin Burhanuddin, Wahyu Budi Priatna

Indonesia is a country that has a long coastline and the development of fisheries and marine sector. Utilization of marine resources is accompanied by the use of capture fisheries to produce processed products. One of processed fishery product is fish shr... see more

Pags. 129 - 138  

Eka Monika Manihuruk , Harianto Harianto, Nunung Kusnadi

Rendahnya produksi singkong mengharuskan Indonesia mengimpornya dari negara lain. Upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi dan produktivitas perlu dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah ketersediaan domestik. Teknologi budidaya ubi kayu diharapkan dapat membantu dala... see more

Pags. 139 - 150  

Indra Cahyadinata, Achmad Fahrudin, Sulistiono Sulistiono, Rahmat Kurnia

Pulau Enggano merupakan salah satu pulau kecil terluar di Indonesia. Pengembangan usaha perikanan diarahkan pada optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumberdaya perikanan dan kelautan melalui penguatan kemandirian nelayan dalam usaha penangkapan dengan tetap memperha... see more

Pags. 151 - 162  

Yunandar Lisma, Lukman Mohammad Baga, Burhanuddin Burhanuddin

This study aimed to identify the internal and external conditions of the KINA Barat that were influential in the development of patchouli agro-industry and determine the appropriate development strategies for KINA Barat. Data collection was carried out by... see more

Pags. 163 - 174  

Susi Roria Sari

The purpose of the research is to analyze the agricultural subsector of the base as a role-maker and contribution in economic growth, to analyze the competitive advantage of agriculture sector of Kaur Regency. The analytical methods used are Location Quot... see more

Pags. 175 - 186  

Ika Rosalia Saragih, Diana Chalil, Sri Fajar Ayu

Kecamatan Rawang Panca Arga, Kabupaten Asahan tercatat sebagai petani yang paling banyak berpastisipasi di Sumatera Utara dalam program Asuransi Usahatani Padi. Hal ini berasal dari pengalaman petani yang diakibatkan serangan hama dan banjir. Namun partis... see more

Pags. 187 - 196  

Raesa Harlina, Sri Fatimah, Iwan Setiawan

Onion is the third largest horticultural commodity with the production and land area in Indonesia. The growth of onion demand has an increase up to 1.73% annually. This motivates farmers to develop their onion farms. On the other hand, onion is a risky fa... see more

Pags. 197 - 206  

Mohamad zulkarnain Yuliarso, Diah Ajeng Purwani

ABSTRACTThe changes that occur in the community with the presence of the waste bank program will undoubtedly pass through a process that takes place gradually and involves the role of the independent agency that is very unusual.  Therefore, the resea... see more

Pags. 207 - 218  

Windarti Sitorus, Nyayu Neti Arianti, M. Mustopa Romdhon

The purposes of this study were to analyze the profit planning in the production of SIR 20 and determine the level of business risk from profit targets which want to achieve at PTPN VII (Persero) Unit Padang Pelawi. The primary data were obtained through ... see more

Pags. 219 - 232