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ISSN: 2442-3750    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 2 Number 2 Year 2016

13 articles in this issue 

Egi Qory Imamah,Umi Lestari,Abdul Gofur

Formalin is a dangerous food preservative which has been banned to be used. Formalin is often used because it is relatively cheap and simple to use. This study aimed to analyze the effect of formalin to damage liver histology of male mice. Mice used were ... see more


Atok Miftachul Hudha,Mohamad Amin,Sutiman Bambang,Sa'dun Akbar

The 21st century requires the availability of human resources with seven skills or competence (Maftuh, 2016), namely: 1) critical thinking and problem solving skills, 2) creative and innovative, 3) behave ethically, 4) flexible and quick to adapt, 5) comp... see more


Hasminar Rachman Fidiastuti,Kardiana Metha Rozhana

Students in the study of science, need to pay attention to the nature of science. Science studied to develop the ability to think (minds on), skills (hands on) as well as the scientific attitude (heart on). Study Microbiology in Prodi TIP, University Tibh... see more


Try Zulchi,Hakim Kurniawan,Higa Afza,Husni P,Agus M,Ana Nurul

Groundnut is one of the largest vegetable oil and has a good nutritional value. It could be used as an alternative source of food, industrial raw materials, and bioenergy. The main function of fats and oil in seeds reserves source of energy. This research... see more


Rudy Setiawan,Ismi Nurul Qomariyah

The aims of this observation to decide the analysis of policy implementation of character education in SMK N 5 Malang, includes 1) understanding and describing the implementation of Character Education Policy in SMK N 5 Malang, 2) understanding the constr... see more


Muhammad Mifta Fausan

This study aims to determine the increase of motivation and biology student learning outcomes through the implementation of Numbered Head Together (NHT) strategies in setting Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) learning model based Lesson Study (LS)... see more


Ahmad Mundzir Romdhani,Sukarsono Sukarsono,Rr. Eko Susetyarini

Gastropoda merupakan hewan yang bergerak dengan menggunkan perutnya (gaster= perut dan podos=kaki) yang saat ini mulai terancam keberadaannya karena rusaknya ekosistem hutan mangrove karena konversi lahan, dampak ekologis yang ditimbulkan adalah menggangg... see more


Dika Satya Pangestika

Earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) are commonly utilized as a feed that contains lot of proteins needed by poultry, such as aves, fish, and shrimps. The effort of improving earthworms' (Lumbricus rubellus) harvesting, in fact, is affected by the soar of the ... see more


Nur Lailatul Fitri,Roro Eko Susetyarini,Lud Waluyo

Ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) used by the community as an antidiabetic drug. Antidiabetic effects caused ciplukan fruit of this plant contain chemicals flavonoids with the percentage of fruit extract 300 mg / ml was 84%. Flavonoids are antioxidant compo... see more


Ovy Dwi Rachmasari,Wahyu Prihanta,Roro Eko Susetyarini

Forests are natural resources in which have high potencial support of biodiversity. One of the existing resources in the forest are ground insects. The presence ground insects are needed to aid in decomposition processes. The purpose of this study was to ... see more


L Wahdiniati,Yuni Pantiwati,Roimil Latifa

Recently, the necessity of foods has been fulfilled by using various methods without considering hygiene level and sanitation during its processing. One of food processing which is assumed as unhygienic cuisine is fish-paste. Fish-paste is commonly made f... see more