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Volume 40 Number 4 Year 2013

8 articles in this issue 

Nikos Papastergiadis

"In this essay I will focus on the worldview that is invoked in John Berger’s critical writings. I aim to examine the extent to which this worldview contains an implicit creation story. Some aspects of a creation story have appeared more explicitly in his... see more


Alexandra Berlina

"Having introduced semantic traits of his favorite Anglophone poets (such as John Donne’s juxtaposition of sexuality and philosophy) into Russian, [Brodsky] went on to inject formal aspects of Russian poetics into English-first in self-translations, and t... see more


María Felisa López Liquete

"Both “The Encantadas” and Nostromo are (post)colonial texts in the sense that they both portray the evil effects of the ‘colonizing project’ in both the colonizer and the colonized. Melville and Conrad’s colonial and imperial enterprises, however, differ... see more


Jonathan Hart

A brief introductory note in English to the review forum on Eugene Eoyang.


Jonathan Hart

A brief introductory note in French to the review forum on Eugene Eoyang.


Kathleen Komar

Review article on Eugene Eoyang, The Promise and Premise of Creativity: Why Comparative Literature Matters (New York: Continuum International Publishing, 2012).


Steven P. Sondrup

Review article on Eugene Eoyang, The Promise and Premise of Creativity: Why Comparative Literature Matters (New York: Continuum International Publishing, 2012).


Rick Bowers, Sara K. Day, Lorrie Clark, Kit Dobson, Edwin Bezzina, Leslie Hill, Jonathan A. Allan

Reviews of: Judith H. Anderson and Jennifer C. Vaught, eds., Shakespeare and Donne: Generic Hybrids and the Cultural Imaginary (New York: Fordham UP, 2013); Matthew Kaiser, The World in Play: Portraits of a Victorian Concept (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2012);... see more