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Volume 39 Number 3 Year 2012

13 articles in this issue 

Jonathan Hart

English editor's note to the special issue on Douwe Fokkema.


Jonathan Hart

French editor's note to the special issue on Douwe Fokkema.


Theo D'haen

A tribute to Douwe Fokkema, subject of this special issue.


Gerald E.P. Gillespie

A brief discussion of Douwe Fokkema's contributions to the field of comparative literature.


Maria Alzira Seixo

"Ne voulant pas e^tre définitif, mais tout simplement direct et exigeant, Douwe Fokkema peut pourtant apparai^tre, dans ses écrits, comme une personnalité académique aimant la controverse et la polémique. Ce qui n’est pas étranger a` ses objectifs, ou` la... see more


Eugene Eoyang

"The beginning of wisdom for Wang Wei was to lose one’s self in Nature; the beginning of wisdom for Wordsworth was to find one’s self in Nature. They were, of course, both right-each in his own way.The crucial and interesting question is: what are the dif... see more


Svend Erik Larsen

Discusses the historical process of canon formation, with the history of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice as a paradigm case.


Lieven D'hulst

"Le tempérament de Fokkema ne se laissait pas enfermer dans des catégorisations théoriques ou historiques qui n’auraient pasd’entrée de jeu révélé et accepté leurs limites et leurs partis pris."


Dirk de Geest, Anneleen Masschelein

On the influence of Douwe Fokkema and Elrud Ibsch's collaboration "Modernist Conjectures: A Mainstream in European Literature, 1910-1940" (London: C. Hurst & Co., 1987).


Yves Chevrel

"Mon intention ici, est moins d’apprécier si, un quart de sie`cle apre`s la publication de l’ouvrage ["Modernist Conjectures"], la littérature moderniste est enfin connue comme elle mérite de l’e^tre que de réfléchir aux procédures comparatistes employées... see more


Hans Bertens

Discusses Philip Roth's "The Plot Against America", Jonathan Safran Foer's "Everything is Illuminated", Michael Chabon's "The Yiddish Policemen's Union", and Paul Verhaegen's "Omega Minor" as postmodern novels.


Theo D'haen

"while Douwe Fokkema welcomed in postmodernism the advent of a new literary current and a new way of seeing the world, I am interested in what I see as the closure of postmodernism, particularly so as a continuingly viable mode of apprehending the world. ... see more


Longxi Zhang

A review article on Douwe Fokkema's final book, "Perfect Worlds: Utopian Fiction in China and the West" (Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2011).