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Volume 15 Number 1 Year 2016

3 articles in this issue 

Asphat Muposhi, Manilall Dhurup

The primary objective of the study was to explore which attributes of organic products inform Generation Y consumers’ purchase decisions. The study, which was grounded in qualitative research design, utilised data generated from sixteen in-depth interview... see more


Lineo W. Dzansi, Crispen Chipunza, Mabokang Monnapula-Mapesela

Service delivery in South Africa has of recent been marred with much criticism and citizens’ dissatisfactions evidenced by protests across the country, especially in different municipal areas. While the South African central government recognizes the impo... see more


Yeji Kim, Yoon C. Cho

The salary peak system, developed as a replacement for the early retirement system, provides properties such as extension of the retirement age, decreased salary, and/or changes of job position. The purpose of this study is to explore the perceived attitu... see more