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Volume 3 Number 1 Year 2018

10 articles in this issue 

Aldila Arin Aini,Islamiah Bastiar,S. Sumarlam

This research aims (1) to comprehend the relative construction of English and Indonesia language on some texts relating to Donald Trump is elected as the 45th President of USA in 2016 semantically, and (2) to describe the analysis of relative constructive... see more

Pags. 1 - 12  

Anita Rahma,Diah Kristina,Sri Marmanto

The aim of this study is to identify and describe the cultural elements translated using adaptation technique and linguistic elements translated using variation technique in Batman movie subtitled into Mataraman Javanese. Then explain the translator’s rea... see more

Pags. 13 - 29  

Dewi Nurnani,M.R. Nababan,D. Djatmika

The aims of the study are to ascertain (1) translation techniques applied in Kumpulan Abstrak Hasil Penelitian 1990-1991 Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia (STSI) Surakarta; (2) the character of translation techniques applied in the translation of Kumpulan Abs... see more

Pags. 30 - 46  

F. Fachruddin,Riyadi Santosa,Tri Wiratno

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. domain istilah teknik dan bentuk istilahnya, sebaran  penerapan teknik penerjemahannya, tingkat keakuratan, dan analisa komponensial untuk membuat pola penerjema... see more

Pags. 47 - 64  

Ilfan Askul Pehala,Inyo Yos Fernandez,Wakit Abdullah

This research aims to classify, describe and explain verbal and non-verbal expressions in eloping tradition (mombolasuako) of Tolaki based on the procession of eloping tradition (mombolasuako) of Tolaki comprehensively. Theories used to solve the problem ... see more

Pags. 65 - 82  

Nandita Wana Putri

Lampung is one of the provinces in Indonesia which is located strategically. It is located at the Southern of Sumatra Island that makes Lampung as the only gateway for those who want to go to Sumatra Island. The complexity of the society in Lampung, espec... see more

Pags. 83 - 97  

Niswatul Hasanah

Jurnal ini mendeskripsikan mengenai bentuk-bentuk kesalahan penulisan bagian-bagian surat resmi yang dikeluarkan oleh Kantor Desa Mamben Lauk mulai dari kesalahan penulisan bagian kepala surat sampai salam penutup.

Pags. 98 - 112  

Siti Fathiyatus Sholihah,M.R. Nababan,D. Djatmika

ABSTRACT This research discusses about how a certain technique can impact on the quality of translation in the statements of responding toward arguing speech act. It aims to determine the impact of choosing a certain micro technique of translation to... see more

Pags. 113 - 129  

Sri Wahyuni Samaratul Zanah,D Djatmika,Tri Wiratno

Penelitian ini menganalisis kumpulan jokes berbahasa Inggris. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis wacana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan penanda kohesi gramatikal dalam teks jokes karya Ray Foley, (... see more

Pags. 130 - 138  

Usman Jayadi

Abstract: In Lombok island, Lelakaq Sasak is one of the important culture use to give suggestion to people. Nowdays Lelakaq Sasak use as campaign median to attract constituent like in head village election, legislative, governor and regency election. The ... see more

Pags. 139 - 150