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Volume 2 Number 1 Year 2013

6 articles in this issue 

UNS Journal

Editorial Board:Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo (Gajah Mada University)Sudaryanto (Widya Dharma University)Inyo Yos Fernandes (Gajah Mada University)Kisyani Laksono (UNNESA)Riyadi Santosa (Sebelas Maret University)Edi Subroto (Sebelas Maret University)Sri Samiati ... see more


Raden Arief Nugroho

This paper discusses about the microstrategies of translation used by undergraduate students of English studies of Dian Nuswantoro University. Accordingly, these microstrategies are proposed by Schjoldager (2008). The use of Schjoldager’s m... see more


Joko Kusmanto

Despite the wide-range application of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) for various kinds of text analyses, SFG theory poses significant syntactic problems which have not been touched much. These syntactic problems are basically the result ... see more


Suparto Suparto

The paper tests if the translation of Javanese local cultural terms can denotatively be conveyed in English. The tool employed for this purpose is componential analysis of meaning, which can objectively asses the accuracy of the translation. In ... see more


Ruben Dharmawan

The study aims to investigate the legal aspects and the informative aspects, especially the conventional implicature of patient package inserts. Eighty five patient package inserts were collected from licensed drugstores in Surakarta and the sur... see more


Sunardi Sunardi

This paper aims at construing the ways two spakers of a casual conversation who are culturally different realize their commitments towards the truth of their exchanges in the conversation. The corpus of data of this study was a stretch of a... see more