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The study aimed to identify the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence (IA) concepts and applications in the content of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) textbooks in Saudi general education. The study adopted the descriptive approach using the... see more

Voting Advice Applications are online tools that provide users with a voting advice based on their answers to a set of political attitude questions. This study investigated to what extent VAA users understand the questions that lead to the voting advice, ... see more

Propuesta de competencias profesionales específicas para el perfil del egresado en Pediatría en Cuba Propuesta de competencias profesionales específicas para el perfil del egresado en Pediatría en CubaIntroducción: en el pasado siglo surge en el campo educativo, posterior a sus inicios asociados a los procesos laborales, el enfoque de competencias. Esta tendencia, adoptada fundamentalmente por países europeos y latinoamericanos, en el caso de la educación médica cubana ha estado vinculada esencialmente a la actividad de formación posgraduada. Es aconsejable definir el perfil del egresado sobre la base de la identificación de competencias, las que sirven a su vez como punto de partida para toda la elaboración del currículo y la evaluación del desempeño. Objetivo: proponer las competencias profesionales específicas para el perfil del egresado en la especialidad de Pediatría en Cuba. Material y Métodos: el procedimiento por el cual se definen las competencias profesionales es el análisis funcional. La redacción de las competencias tuvo en cuenta las recomendaciones del documento Competencia Laboral, Manual de conceptos, métodos y aplicaciones en el Sector Salud de la OMS/OPS, OIT y Cinterfor.Resultados: las competencias propuestas quedaron distribuidas por áreas de la siguiente forma: Atención Médica Integral (quince competencias); Administración (tres competencias); Docente educativas (tres competencias); Investigación (dos competencias) y Situaciones Especiales (una competencia) para un total de veinticuatro. Las competencias así definidas podrían resultar de utilidad para el diseño, desarrollo y evaluación del plan de formación de estos especialistas. Conclusiones: se definen 24 competencias profesionales específicas para la especialidad de Pediatría divididas en cinco áreas. La propuesta tiene como base el análisis funcional y su ordenamiento, sigue la lógica del método clínico. Palabras clave: competencias profesionales específicas, perfil del egresado, especialidad, pediatría, Cuba, áreas.ABSTRACTIntroduction: in the last century in the educational field the competencies approach emerged. At first wasn’t, but eventually aimed at work processes though. This trend, mainly adopted by European and Latin-American countries, in the case of Cuban medical education has been essentially linked to postgraduate education. It is convenient to define the graduate profile based on competencies identification which is used at the same time as a starting point to design the curriculum and performance evaluation. Objective: propose the specific professional competencies for Pediatrics specialists. Material and methods: the procedure by which professional competencies are defined is the functional analysis. Competencies wording took into account the recommendations in the document Labor Competency, Manual of concepts, methods and applications in health sector from OMS/OPS, OIT and Cinterfor. Results: proposed competencies were distributed by areas as follows: Integral Medical Attention (fifteen competencies); Administration (three competencies); Education (three competencies); Investigation (two competencies) and for special situations (one competency) to sum twenty-four. Competencies defined this way could be used for designing, developing and evaluating the training plan for these specialists. Conclusions: twenty-four specific professional competencies are defined for pediatrics specialty. They are divided into five areas. The proposal is based on the functional analysis and its order follows the logic of the clinical method.Key words: specific professional competencies, graduate profile, specialty, pediatric, Cuba, areas.

Objetivo: proponer las competencias profesionales específicas para el perfil del egresado en la especialidad de Pediatría en Cuba. Material y Métodos: el procedimiento por el cual se definen las competencias profesionales es el análisis funcional. La red... see more

This paper provides an overview of application building in the course environment illustrated with samples of student work. User applications (apps) built as extensions of multiphysics models have been integrated into traditional face-to-face and hybrid e... see more

The paper is grounded in the idea that a theory of mobile media, like that of any other scientific discourse, must be built on solid conceptual and taxonomical bases. Within this context the paper brings together previous fragmented approaches to studying... see more

A Geomorfometria é uma ciência interdisciplinar atribuída de importantes bases conceituais e metodológicas para estudos voltados a quantificação da superfície terrestre, podendo oferecer um conjunto de recursos para mapeamento e predição do meio físico, d... see more

Internet of Things (or also known as IoT) is one of the technologies most named today because of the ability it envisages to connect all kinds of devices to the Internet. If to the potentialities of IoT we add another technology of high impact as It is th... see more

Tourism is perceived as an appropriate solution for pursuing sustainable economic growth due to its main characteristics. In the context of sustainable tourism, gamification can act as an interface between tourists (clients), organisations (companies, NGO... see more

A great number of beneficial and harmful microorganisms colonize the human gastrointestinal ecosystem. Of these, beneficial gut bacteria have numerous and significant functions. The use of probiotics, paraprobiotics, and postbiotics to alter the gut micro... see more

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