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International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (IJCCC) is an international journal in the fields of automation control systems and computer science. According to Web of Science (WoS), the first document of IJCCC was published in 2006. In this... see more

AGAMBEN, Giorgio. Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1998a.AGAMBEN, Giorgio. Remnants of Auschwitz: the witness and the archive New York: Zone Books, 1998b.ASIMOV, Isaac. Robot. New York: Doubleday, 1950.BORGES, Jorge Luis. Funes el memorioso. In: El Aleph. El informe de Brodie. Caracas: Biblioteca de Ayacucho, 1988. BRACHMAN, Ronald J. On the epistemological status of semantic networks. In: FINDLER, Nicholas (ed.). Associative Networks: Representation and Use of Knowledge by Computers. Cambridge: Academic Press, 1979.BRUSILOVSKY, Peter; PEYLO, Christoph. Adaptive and Intelligent Web-based Educational Systems. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED), n. 13, 2003.CALISKAN, Aylin et al. Semantics derived automatically from language corpora contain human-like biases. Science, n. 356, p. 183-186, 2017. Available from: Mar. 13th, 19.CARDOSO, Oldimar. Cultura histórica e responsabilização científica. In: BODEMER, Klaus (ed.), Cultura, sociedad y política en América Latina. Aportes para un debate interdisciplinario. Madrid/Frankfurt a. M.: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2012.CHAKRABARTY, Dipesh. Provincializing Europe, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000.COHEN, Daniel J.; ROSENZWEIG, Roy. “Collecting History Online”. In: ROSENZWEIG, Roy. Clio Wired: The Future of the Past in the Digital Age. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011.DARNTON, Robert, “Can We Create a National Digital Library?, The New York Review of Books, 2010. Available from: Access: Mar. 13th, 19.DIAZ-JEREZ, Gustavo. Composing with Melomics: delving into the computational world for musical inspiration. Leonardo Music Journal, n. 21, 2011.FOUCAULT, Michel. La vie des hommes infâmes. In: Dits et Écrits, Tome III, Texte 198. Paris: Gallimard, 1972. GALLOWAY, Alexander R. The Interface Effect. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012. GIANNACHI, Gabriella. Archive Everything. Mapping the Everyday. Mit Press, 2016.GREENWALD Anthony Galt. An AI stereotype catcher. Science, v. 356, issue 6334, apr. 2017.HAYLES, Katherine. How we Became Post-Human. Virtual bodies in Cybernetics, Literature and Informatics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999.HERSH, Eitan D. Hacking the Electorate. How Campaigns Perceive Voters. Cambridge University Press, 2015. LI, A. et al. The fundamental advantages of temporal networks”. ScienceMag, nov., 2017.JOCKERS, Matthew Lee. Macroanalysis: Digital Methods and Literary History. University of Illinois, 2013. KELLEY, Robert. “Public History: its origins, nature and prospects”. The Public Historian, v. 1, n. 1 (1978), p. 16-28LATOUR, Bruno. Pandora’s Hope: Essays on the Reality of Science Studies. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999.LIDDINGTON, Jill. What Is Public History? Publics and Their Pasts, Meanings and Practices. Oral History, v. 30, n. 1, Theme Issue “Women’s Narratives of Resistance”, 2002.MANOVICH, Lev. The Language of New Media. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 2001.MCCUSKER, James et al., Finding melanoma drugs through a probabilistic knowledge graph. PeerJ Comput. Sci., n. 4, 2017.MORETTI, Franco. Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History Verso, 2005.NOBLE, Safiya Umoja. Algorithms of Oppression. How Search Engines Reinforce Racism. New York, NY: NYU Press, 2018.PAUL, Herman. Distance and Self-Distanciation: Intellectual Virtue and Historical Method Around 1900. History and Theory, v. 50, n. 107, 2011.PEARCE-MOSES, Richard. A glossary of archival and records terminology. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2005.PEIXOTO, Tiago; ROSVALL, Martin. Modelling sequences and temporal networks with dynamic community structures. Nature Communications, n. 582, 2017.RAIBERT, Marc et al. BigDog, the Rough-Terrain Quadruped Robot. Proceedings of the 17th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008.RAMSAY, Stephen. 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Ofício, Engenho e Arte: Inspiração e Técnica na Análise de Dados Qualitativos. Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, v. 7, n. 1, 2016.SILVEIRA, Pedro Telles da. História, técnica e novas mídias: Crítica da razão histórica digital. Tese em História Social. Programa de Pós- Graduação em História do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018.VEE, Annette. Coding Literacy: How Computer Programming Is Changing Writing. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 2017. Epub file.WHORF, Benjamin Lee. Language, thought, and reality; selected writings. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1956.WIMMER, Mario. The Present as Future Past: Anonymous History of Historical Times. Storia della Storiografia, n. 68, 2015.WHITE, Hayden. Metahistory. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973.YOUNG, Robert. White mythologies: writing history and the west. London: Routledge, 2004.ZIPF, G. K. Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort. 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 Esse texto oferece uma reflexão teórica sobre os efeitos da inteligência artificial e do universo digital no ofício do historiador. A reflexão é baseada em um conjunto de experimentos relacionados com o desenvolvimento de um “historiador cibernético... see more

International Journal of Innovation - IJI completes 7 yearsInternational Journal of Innovation - IJI has now 7 years old! In this editorial comment, we not only want to talk about our evolution but get even closer to the IJI community.  It is our fir... see more

International Journal of Innovation - IJI completes 7 yearsInternational Journal of Innovation - IJI has now 7 years old! In this editorial comment, we not only want to talk about our evolution but get even closer to the IJI community.  It is our fir... see more

The Editors of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences have established the Best Paper Award to recognize the most outstanding articles published in the areas of molecular biology, molecular physics and chemistry that have been published in the In... see more

Starting with issue 4 of volume 7(2012) International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (INT J COMPUT COMMUN, IJCCC) [4] is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [2].Beginning with issue 1... see more

Métodos estadísticos empleados en las investigaciones epidemiológicas publicadas en algunas revistas médicas Métodos estadísticos empleados en las investigaciones epidemiológicas publicadas en algunas revistas médicasObjetivo: identificar los procedimientos estadísticos más utilizados en algunas revistas médicas.Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. Se seleccionaron cuatro revistas médicas: Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical, Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología, International Journal of Epidemiology, y la International Journal of Infectious Diseases. El universo incluyó todos los artículos originales publicados durante el período 2000-2015, con investigaciones epidemiológicas. Se excluyeron los artículos de revisión, las comunicaciones cortas, los reportes de casos, los artículos originales cuyo diseño respondía a la investigación básica, las investigaciones cualitativas y las revisiones sistemáticas. Las técnicas estadísticas se agruparon en niveles de complejidad del 1 al 4: estadística descriptiva, técnicas univariadas, técnicas multivariadas y técnicas más complejas.Resultados: los métodos estadísticos empleados evidenciaron predominio de las tablas bivariadas, seguido de la regresión logística (25,8%) Los estadísticos demoepidemiológicos se utilizaron en un 17,5%, lo que se correspondió en mayor medida con el uso de riesgo relativo, oportunidad relativa, sensibilidad y especificidad. La correlación lineal de Pearson y la prueba t de student, representaron alrededor del 8,0%. Los procedimientos menos utilizados se correspondieron con las pruebas delnivel 4, algunas no superaron incluso el 1,0 %.Conclusiones: se concluye que el perfil general de las técnicas estadísticas en las revistas cubanas seleccionadas tiene un carácter descriptivo predominante.ABSTRACTObjective: to identified the statistical procedures more used in some medical journals.Material and method: a descriptive retrospective study was carried out. Four journals were chosen: Cuban Journal of Tropical Medicine, Cuban Journal of Hygiene and Epidemiology, International Journal of Epidemiology and International Journal of Infectious Diseases. The universe included all the original articles publish during the period 2000-2015, with epidemiological investigations. The review articles were excluded, the short communications, the case reports, the original articles which design responded to basical investigation, the qualitative investigations and the systematical reviews. The statistical techniques were grouped in levels of intricacy between 1 and 4, descriptive statistics, univariuos techniques, multivarious techniques and multivarious techniques and more complicated techniques.Results: the statistical methods used evidenced predominance of the bivarious tables, follows of logistical regression (25,8%). The demoepidemiological statistics were used in 17,5%, which corresponded in major with the use of relative risk, relative opportunity, sensibility and specificity. The Pearson lineal correlation and test of the students, represented around of 8,0%. The procedures less used corresponded to the tests of level 4, some were not higher of 1,0 %.Conclusions: it is concluded that the general face of the statistical techniques in the Cuban journals chosen have a predominant descriptive character.

Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. Se seleccionaron cuatro revistas médicas: Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical, Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología, International Journal of Epidemiology, y la International Jour... see more

JLE editors touch upon the trends and challenges arising out of the changing landscape of scholarly communication as well as two sets of major problems non-Anglophone researchers face in publishing their research in international English-language journals... see more

Visibilidad de la producción científica publicada por autores del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García" en Scopus. 1972-2014 Visibilidad de la producción científica publicada por autores del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García" en Scopus. 1972-2014Introducción: el Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García Iñiguez" ha sido un símbolo del trabajo asistencial desde su fundación en el período pre revolucionario. Scopus, base de datos más grande del mundo de literatura publicada con revisión externa por pares permite trazar, analizar y visualizar investigaciones. Objetivos: caracterizar la visibilidad de la producción científica publicada por autores del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García" e indexada en la base de datos Scopus durante el periodo 1972 - 2014. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio cienciométrico descriptivo de los artículos publicados por autores del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García Íñiguez" en revistas indexadas en la base de datos Scopus. Resultados: la productividad científica ha sido como promedio 6 artículos por año, la especialidad más representada es la Medicina y la Cirugía fundamentalmente en revistas cubanas. El 24% fue publicado en revistas internacionales. Dentro de los autores más productivos se destacan en primer y segundo lugar dos médicas. De los diez artículos más citados, ocho fueron publicados en inglés y todos en revistas internacionales. Los primeros artículos en ser citados correspondieron a cirugía en 1973. Conclusiones: se concluye que la visibilidad alcanzada por la producción científica que se registra en la base de datos Scopus se encuentra por debajo del potencial del centro porque existe producción científica cuyas salidas no se encuentran en revistas indexadas en esta base de datos.Palabras clave: Hospital General Calixto García, producción científica, visibilidad, Scopus, cienciometría.ABSTRACTIntroduction: The University Hospital "General Calixto García" is a symbol of health care since revolution´s triumph. Scopus, the biggest papers database of the world with external peer review let to mark off, analyze and visualize researches. Objective: The aim of this paper is characterize the visibility of the scientific productivity by this hospital during 1972 -2014 according to Scopus database. Material and Methods: Sciences metric descriptive study was done using published articles indexed in the database Scopus and authors belonging to the University Hospital "General Calixto García Iñiguez". Results: The scientific productivity was 6 papers per year. The most representative speciality was medicine and surgery. 24% was published in international journals. Among the most productive authors, the first two places were occupied by two women. Among the most cited papers, eight was published in English and all of them in international journals. The first papers were cited in 1973 and were corresponding to surgery. Conclusions: The conclusion is that the visibility of the scientific production is below the professional potency of this health centre because there are some scientific production results that are not included in journals indexed by Scopus database. Key words: scientific production, visibility, hospital, science, health.

Objetivos: caracterizar la visibilidad de la producción científica publicada por autores del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García" e indexada en la base de datos Scopus durante el periodo 1972 - 2014. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio c... see more

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