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Observing stage is the first stage in scientific approach where students are allowed to begin the learning activities in the classroom. However, English teachers may not realize if their language use is difficult to understand by learners. To lead the suc... see more

Sarcoma de Kaposi: a propósito de un caso clínico, actualización del tema / Kaposi 's sarcoma: a case report, update on the topicSarcoma de Kaposi: a propósito de un caso clínico, actualización del tema / Kaposi 's sarcoma: a case report, update on the topicEl sarcoma de Kaposi (KS por sus siglas en inglés) es una enfermedad similar al cáncer. Se relaciona con la infección del VIH, y se presenta en estadios avanzados de la enfermedad, afectando el 20% de las personas con VIH que no toman medicamentos antirretrovirales. En Pinar del Río existe una baja incidencia de infección por VIH/SIDA. Dada la infrecuencia del Sarcoma de Kaposi se presenta un caso. Paciente de 50 años de edad, que después de un cuadro de dolor en epigastrio comienza con lesiones en la piel similares a hematoma en resolución, con centro más oscuro y nodular, que toman prácticamente todo el cuerpo. El paciente presenta ligera pérdida de peso, pero no prurito, no fiebre, no lesiones en mucosa oral. Se determinó Hb: 112g/l  Hto: 0.34l/l  Leucocitos: 4.4x109/l. Se encontró aumento de células mononucleares en el diferencial con linfopenia asociada; velocidad de sedimentación, colesterol, transaminasas, función renal y proteínas totales, normales, pero trombocitopenia moderada, acido úrico elevado. En el aspirado medular aparece predominio de linfocitos atípicos, con depresión relativa de las series hematopoyéticas. Gastroscopia, negativa. Biopsia de piel: Compatible con Sarcoma de Kaposi. VIH: tres exámenes durante el estudio con tiempo de intervalo entre ellos 3 meses desde el inicio resultaron negativos. Último examen viral a los 7 meses de iniciado el estudio (positivo) con Western Blot. Palabras clave: Sarcoma de kaposi, VIH. ABSTRACT Kaposi´s Sarcoma (KS) is a cancer-like disease. It is most frequent related to HIV infection, present in late stages of the disease and affecting 20 % of HIV infected people having no Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). Since in Pinar del Rio Province a low incidence rate of HIV/AIDS is observed , Kaposi´s Sarcoma is very infrequent. A 50 year-old male who after presenting an epigastralgia suffers from hematoma-like skin lesions, in resolution and when palpated the darker center was nodular. These lesions take practically the whole body, observing loss of weight, no fever, no itching, no oral mucosa lesions. Determining Hb: 112 g/l, Hto; 0.34/L, Leukocytes: 4.4 x 4x109/l, increase of mononuclear cells, associated to lymphopenia, but erythrocyte sedimentation rate, seric cholesterol, transaminases, kidney function and total proteins were normal. Moderated thrombocytopenia and high levels of uric acid were observed. In the bone marrow aspiration atypical lymphocytes and relative depression of the hematopoietic series prevailed. Gastroscopy was negative. Skin biopsy: Compatible with Kaposi´s Sarcoma. HIV: three exams during the study at 3 months intervals being negative from the beginning. The last viral examination carried out at 7 months after the beginning of the study resulted positive when Western Blot technique was used. Key words: Kaposi´s sarcoma, HIV.

ABSTRACT Kaposi´s Sarcoma (KS) is a cancer-like disease. It is most frequent related to HIV infection, present in late stages of the disease and affecting 20 % of HIV infected people having no Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). Since in Pi... see more

BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is uncommon and usually diagnosed at the advanced stage. A subfamily of mitogen-activated protein kinase which is called p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) involved in response to stress, and plays an im... see more

The conclusion of this research is that eclectic counseling in Al-Qur'an perspective education is a counseling model that integrates directive and non-directive counseling based on Qur'anic reasoning which provides guidance or teaching regarding life... see more

The main objective of this classroom-action research is to improve learning outcomes in History subject of Class X IPS 1 SMA Negeri 1 Mataram on historical sources and historical research stages material by applying Cooperative Type Inside Outside Circle ... see more

Helping students solve combinatorics problems is an essential effort to solve a problem. Formulating the stages of combinatorial thinking is one of the means to help students solve the problems of combinatorics in selection type. The research paper discus... see more

The study was aimed to determine flower initiation, floral morphology and to observe the stages of flowering and fruit  development of mindi (Melia azedarch  L) within a population  for one period of time 2008–2009.  The methods used w... see more

This article discusses efforts to increase student motivation in history subjects at a vocational high school using a learning medium, namely documentary films. The purpose of this study was to find out the use of documentary films as a learning medium in... see more

Technological developments and monetary development request an expansion in the quality and nature of Human Resources who are solid, gifted and prepared to work. Hence, it is important to make a procedure for delivering dependable, gifted and prepared to ... see more

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