11 articles in this issue
Budianto Budianto, M. Basuki Rahmat, Yuning Widiarti, Imam Sutrisno
The economic condition of the coastal communities of East Java, especially in Banyuwangi, is strongly influenced by the tourism and fishing sectors. This condition needs to be developed with supporting facilities such as the procurement of fishing vessels... see more
Apollonia Apollonia, Rudy Handoko, Iswiyati Rahayu
This study examines and analyzes the revitalization that is managed in the study of the alignment of Regional Government and Sectoral SKPD policies, and analyzes the Revitalization of Agropolitan Areas from the point of view of the Gap between Traditional... see more
I Putu Artaya, Yuniningsih Yuniningsih, Che Zalina bt Zulkifli, Wasana Boonsong
This research activity aims to assist home-based businesses in an effort to improve their product marketability in the global market by improving several important things, including: improving raw materials, building distribution channels, managing sales ... see more
Najib Kusnanto, Agus Sukristyanto, Achluddin Ibnu Rochim
The quality of educational services is the most important part of the administration of the management of educational institutions, especially in madrasah which are religion-based institutions. This study aims to describe efforts to improve the quality of... see more
Ice Trisnawati, Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko, Koespiadi Koespiadi
This study aims to establish a road development strategy in South Sumatra Province using a SWOT analysis approach. This research is located on the Road Network in South Sumatra Province, especially in Muara Enim Regency, while the time for this research i... see more
Aswin Juniarto, Tatik Suryani
The purpose of this research is to analyze the strength of brand image and store atmosphere in influencing consumer decision making and satisfaction. The research was conducted using a quantitative approach with a questionnaire as a research instrument. T... see more
Pipin Diah Larasati, Agus Sukristyanto, Rachmawati Novaria
Increasing public knowledge and information about the diversity of food consumption is expected to reduce people's dependence on rice as a staple food, which is still high, improve diet so that it is more diverse, nutritionally balanced and safe which sup... see more
M. Basuki Rahmat, Farizi Rachman, R. A. Norromadani Yuniati, Ryan Yudha Aditya
This article presents considerations made to show how important it is to use current information to help make a decision. we are currently faced with major social and technological challenges. The main purpose of this discussion is to gain knowledge about... see more
Nanang Tawaf, Ady Purnama
Asphalt mixture is a very important component that needs to be taken into account in flexible pavement construction to achieve the durability of a highway construction. In order to achieve the durability of road construction, it is necessary to control th... see more
Mohammad Basuki Rahmat, Joessianto Eko Poetro, Annas Singgih Setiyoko, Hendro Agus Widodo, Purwidi Asri, Edy Prasetya Hidayat, Arie Indartono, Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko
Sidobandung Village is a village that will develop the potential as a tourism village. One of the potentials that has been successfully built is a reservoir. With the construction of the reservoir in this village, tourism activities began to be seen. The ... see more
Istu Handono, Rudy Handoko, Endang Indartuti, Ute Chairuz M. Nasution
Teachers who get certification are entitled to a professional allowance. The government hopes that with this allowance, teachers can improve their welfare and performance. But unexpectedly, after receiving the professional allowance, teachers are not comp... see more