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O presente artigo objetiva caracterizar os modelos de formação de professores postos em circulação pelo Teachers College da Universidade Colúmbia, sediado na cidade de Nova York, nas primeiras décadas do século 20. A fonte documental utilizada é o periódi... see more

A partir de uma pesquisa empreendida junto a documentos raros e arquivos do Teachers College, da Columbia University de New York, é possível verificar as influências exercidas por essa Instituição no ensino de arte dos Estados Unidos e sua relação com o B... see more

The unprecedented expansion of wireless technologies and the global pandemic of 2020-2021, which forced many educational establishments out of traditional face-to-face and into online instructional environments, have created an urgency for achieving a bet... see more

Desarrollo de habilidades investigativas en el proceso formativo de los estudiantes de Medicina / Development of research skills in the training process of medical studentsDesarrollo de habilidades investigativas en el proceso formativo de los estudiantes de Medicina / Development of research skills in the training process of medical studentsde las Ciencias de la Salud, en especial de los médicos que egresan con la responsabilidad de asumir el trabajo en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Dada las insuficiencias de los estudiantes de medicina en el componente investigativo del proceso formativo, lo que incide en los modos de actuación de los graduados, se realizó una  investigación descriptiva y transversal. El objetivo consiste en  determinar cómo se comporta el  desarrollo de habilidades investigativas en el proceso formativo de los estudiantes de medicina durante el período enero  -  junio del año 2009.  El universo estuvo constituido por todos los estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río. Se seleccionó una muestra de forma aleatoria, estratificada y representativa, que incluyó a los estudiantes de todos los años de la carrera, profesores y directivos de la carrera. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, y  el análisis documental de los planes de estudio, utilizando como métodos empíricos: la encuesta, la entrevista y la opinión de expertos. El diagnóstico incluyó la aplicación de una encuesta a los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina, y entrevistas semiestructuradas a los profesores de la carrera. Se concluye que la mayoría de los estudiantes consideran los temas sobre metodología de la investigación recibida como insuficiente para el desarrollo de habilidades investigativas, los temas que investigan responden a intereses personales y los orientados por el tutor. La actividad científica estudiantil  constituye la principal vía identificada para el desarrollo de habilidades investigativas. Los estudiantes consideran muy necesario la disciplina  metodología de la investigación en su plan de estudio.Palabras clave: MEDICINA,  METODOLOGÍA, ESTUDIANTE.ABSTRACTThe necessity of increasing the quality of preparation for the research process of graduates in Medical Sciences is a matter of discussion in last academic courses, particularly medical personnel having the responsibility for taking on the work of Primary Health Care. In view of the insufficiencies of medical students on the research component during the training process, which bears on the ways the graduates perform, a descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted. The objective was to determine the behavior of research skills in the training process of medical students during January-June 2009. The universe was comprised of all the students enroll at Medical College in Pinar del Rio. The sample was chosen at random, stratified and representative, that included the medical students enroll in all the academic years of medical studies, teaching staff and directors. A literature review and a documentary analysis of the syllabuses were carried out using empirical methods: survey, interview and the opinion of the experts. The instruments applied included a survey to the medical students and semi-structured interviews to professors. Concluding that the majority of the students consider the topics about methodology of research insufficient to develop skills, these topics respond to personal interest advised by the tutor. Student scientific activity represents the main identified way to develop research skills. Students consider the discipline of Methodology of Research very necessary in the syllabus.Key words: MEDICINE, METHODOLOGY, STUDENTS.

ABSTRACTThe necessity of increasing the quality of preparation for the research process of graduates in Medical Sciences is a matter of discussion in last academic courses, particularly medical personnel having the responsibility for taking on the work of... see more

This article refers to a research on the social function of college radio in Mexico, which falls within the context of university media research. The theoretical approach of Manuel Martín Serrano and the mass communication model of professor Carlos Lozano... see more

A partir de uma pesquisa empreendida junto a documentos raros e arquivos do Teachers College, da Columbia University de New York, é possível verificar as influências exercidas por essa Instituição no ensino de arte dos Estados Unidos e sua relação com o B... see more

This empirical study reports on similarities and differences in the perceptions that Chinese and American students hold about classroom behavior of professors. At issue is identifying behaviors deemed as acceptable as opposed to being offensive. Cultural ... see more

1 of 4.494 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»