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Failure of axon regeneration in the central nervous system (CNS) of mammals is due to both extrinsic inhibitory factors and to neuron-intrinsic factors. The importance of intrinsic factors is illustrated in the sea lamprey by the 18 pairs of large, indivi... see more

Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), a key cytokine that drives neuroinflammation in the Central Nervous System (CNS), is enhanced in many neurological diseases/disorders. Although IL-1β contributes to and/or sustains pathophysiological processes in the... see more

Neuroinflamación y Enfermedad de Parkinson / Neuroinflammation and Parkinson’s Disease Neuroinflamación y Enfermedad de Parkinson / Neuroinflammation and Parkinson’s DiseaseObjetivo: revisar y discutir el papel que juegan los mecanismos neuroinflamatorios en la Enfermedad de Parkinson y en los modelos animales de esta enfermedad.Desarrollo: se muestra un grupo de evidencias que relacionan la activación de la microglia y los procesos de degeneración de las células dopaminérgicas. Los linfocitos T periféricos se infiltran en el parénquima del Sistema Nervioso Central en el sitio de la lesión neuronal tanto en humanos con Enfermedad de Parkinson como en modelos de parkinsonismo. La respuesta inmune mediada por las células contribuye a la degeneración de las células dopaminérgicas a través de los mecanismos citotóxico dependiente de la unión Fas/ FasL. Se discute el papel de varias hipótesis que pudieran estar relacionadas con los cambios en la respuesta inmunológica. Conclusiones: los mecanismos aquí discutidos permiten respaldar el uso potencial de los fármacos inmunomoduladores como agentes neuroprotectores para retrasar el proceso degenerativo nigroestriatal.Palabras clave: Neuroinflamación; Enfermedad de Parkinson; microglias; inflamación; neurodegeneración.ABSTRACT Objective: to review and discuss the role that neuroinflammatory mechanisms play in Parkinson’s disease and in animal models of this disease.Development: a group of evidences is shown that relate the activation of microglia and the processes of degeneration of dopaminergic cells. Peripheral T lymphocytes infiltrate the parenchyma of the Central Nervous System at the site of neuronal injury both in humans with Parkinson’s disease and in models of parkinsonism. The cell-mediated immune response contributes to the degeneration of dopaminergic cells through the cytotoxic mechanisms dependent on Fas / FasL binding. The role of several hypotheses that could be related to changes in the immune response is discussed.Conclusitiones: the mechanisms discussed here allow us to support the potential use of immunomodulatory drugs as neuroprotective agents to delay the degenerative nigrostriatal process.Keywords: Neuroinflammation; Parkinson’s disease; microglia; inflammation; neurodegeneration  


Neuroinflamación y Enfermedad de Parkinson / Neuroinflammation and Parkinson’s Disease Neuroinflamación y Enfermedad de Parkinson / Neuroinflammation and Parkinson’s DiseaseObjetivo: revisar y discutir el papel que juegan los mecanismos neuroinflamatorios en la Enfermedad de Parkinson y en los modelos animales de esta enfermedad.Desarrollo: se muestra un grupo de evidencias que relacionan la activación de la microglia y los procesos de degeneración de las células dopaminérgicas. Los linfocitos T periféricos se infiltran en el parénquima del Sistema Nervioso Central en el sitio de la lesión neuronal tanto en humanos con Enfermedad de Parkinson como en modelos de parkinsonismo. La respuesta inmune mediada por las células contribuye a la degeneración de las células dopaminérgicas a través de los mecanismos citotóxico dependiente de la unión Fas/ FasL. Se discute el papel de varias hipótesis que pudieran estar relacionadas con los cambios en la respuesta inmunológica. Conclusiones: los mecanismos aquí discutidos permiten respaldar el uso potencial de los fármacos inmunomoduladores como agentes neuroprotectores para retrasar el proceso degenerativo nigroestriatal.Palabras clave: Neuroinflamación; Enfermedad de Parkinson; microglias; inflamación; neurodegeneración.ABSTRACT Objective: to review and discuss the role that neuroinflammatory mechanisms play in Parkinson’s disease and in animal models of this disease.Development: a group of evidences is shown that relate the activation of microglia and the processes of degeneration of dopaminergic cells. Peripheral T lymphocytes infiltrate the parenchyma of the Central Nervous System at the site of neuronal injury both in humans with Parkinson’s disease and in models of parkinsonism. The cell-mediated immune response contributes to the degeneration of dopaminergic cells through the cytotoxic mechanisms dependent on Fas / FasL binding. The role of several hypotheses that could be related to changes in the immune response is discussed.Conclusitiones: the mechanisms discussed here allow us to support the potential use of immunomodulatory drugs as neuroprotective agents to delay the degenerative nigrostriatal process.Keywords: Neuroinflammation; Parkinson’s disease; microglia; inflammation; neurodegeneration  


Craniocerebral trauma is the most common cause of death and post-traumatic disability in people under 45 years of age. In Romania, the annual incidence shows, that for every 100,000 inhabitants, there are 300 cases of craniocerebral trauma that require sp... see more

Objective of the research. Provide the research of the influence of Carbacetam on the neurologic destruction processes in paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus under the experimental traumatic brain injury (TBI).Materials and methods o... see more

 BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of inflammatory neuronal cell damage will continue after traumatic brain injury in which contributed to subsequent mortality. Serum S100B levels were shown to be an early predictor of mortality due to traumatic brain inj... see more

Background: Approximately 80–85% of strokes are ischemic and lead to alterations in neuronal cell morphology and cell death. There is a lack of studies on the effect of the combination of Acalypha indica L. (AI) and Centella asiatica L. (CA) in terms of i... see more

1 of 550 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»