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Based on guidance RG 1.109, RG 1.111 published by United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) our research concentrates on assessing radiation doses caused by radioactive substances released from the Ninh Thuan 1 nuclear power plant (NPP) to the e... see more

Near Surface Disposal (NSD) for Radioactive Waste that should be developed due to increment of the low level radioactive waste, need to be analyzed and evaluated related to the radiological impact of the environment. A research method applied is done by m... see more

El radón, segunda causa del cáncer de pulmón /Radon, the second cause of lung cancer El radón, segunda causa del cáncer de pulmón /Radon, the second cause of lung cancerObjetivo: elaborar las recomendaciones necesarias, que contribuyan a que se adopten las medidas más eficaces de protección sanitaria para disminuir los efectos del Radón a la salud.Materiales y Métodos: se emplearon diferentes Métodos teóricos tales como el histórico-lógico, utilizado el análisisde la evolución histórica e influencias principales relacionadas con el Radón y la salud, así como el análisis-síntesis y la inducción-deducción.Resultados: se logró una evaluación objetiva de las evidencias científicas acerca de los efectos del Radón sobre la salud, se elaboraron las recomendaciones necesarias, que contribuyen a que se adopten las medidas más eficaces de protección sanitaria, para disminuir la influencia de este gas radioactivo a la salud.Conclusiones: el Radón se desintegra en elementos sólidos radiactivos conocidos como partículas de la progenie de Radón (como Polonio-218, Polonio-214 y Plomo-214). La progenie del radón puede adherirse al polvo y a otras partículas que pueden ser aspiradas por los pulmones. A medida que el Radón y la progenie de éste se desintegran en el aire, liberan radiación que puede acelerar el proceso de aparición del cáncer de pulmón y dañar el ADN de las células en el interior del cuerpo.ABSTRACT Objective: to elaborate the necessary recommendations that contribute to the adoption of the most effective sanitary protection measures to reduce the effects of Radon on health.Materials and Methods: different theoretical methods were used, such as historical-logical, used the analysis of historical evolution and main influences related to Radon and health, as well as analysis-synthesis and inductiondeduction.Results: sn objective evaluation of the scientific evidences about the effects of Radon on health was achieved, the necessary recommendations were elaborated, which contribute to the adoption of the most effective measures of sanitary protection, to diminish the influence of this radioactive gas to health.Conclusions: Radon decays into radioactive solid elements known as Radon progeny particles (such as Polonium-218, Polonium-214, and Lead-214). Radon progeny can adhere to dust and other particles that can be sucked out by the lungs. As Radon and its progeny disintegrate in the air, they release radiation that can accelerate the process of lung cancer and damage the DNA of cells inside the body.Keywords: equity; Sustainable development; Science and Technology.

Materiales y Métodos: se emplearon diferentes Métodos teóricos tales como el histórico-lógico, utilizado el análisisde la evolución histórica e influencias principales relacionadas con el Radón y la salud, así como el análisis-síntesis y la inducción-dedu... see more

In consequence of nuclear accidents that have occurred in various parts of the world, radioactive contamination of the environment is observed. The risks of spreading pollution can increase during floods, fires and some natural disasters. The lack of effe... see more

Forest fires are annual problem during the dry season and become a biggest threat to forest resources in Indonesia. The forest fires release into the atmosphere large quantities of particulate matter and volatilized substances. The present study investiga... see more

The livestock sector plays an important role in climate change by contributing to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Studies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in production systems of ruminant animals are of particular interest all over the world. M... see more

One of the National Research Programs (PRN) in the energy sector of the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology for the period of 2020-2024 is small modular reactor (SMR) nuclear power plant (NPP) assessment. The France’s Flexblue is a PWR-based SM... see more

The design process of Experimental Power Reactor (Reaktor Daya Eksperimental/RDE) has been carried out by BATAN for the last five years, adopting HTGR-type reactor with thermal power of 10 MW. RDE is designed with the reference of similar reactor, namely ... see more

1 of 638 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»