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The principle function of financial reporting is Effective Transformation of Information to outsiders in a valid and timeliness way, this should be done through transparency reporting and high quality financial information disclosure. Reviewing recent stu... see more

The covid-19 pandemic outbreak has hit almost all countries in the world. Such condition has a great impact on the micro sector, especially the business world, human behavior, and all types of organizations, including zakat institutions. One of the immedi... see more

In the present study, it was aimed to determine the volatile aroma composition and antioxidant activity of Maitake mushroom grown in different substrate mixtures comparatively. Five different substrate mixtures except control were prepared. Total polyphen... see more

Comportamiento clínico epidemiológico de los accidentes de buceo en el Centro Internacional de Buceo "María La Gorda" de Pinar del Río / Clinical-epidemiological behavior of diving accidents at "Maria la Gorda" International Diving Center, Pinar del RíoComportamiento clínico epidemiológico de los accidentes de buceo en el Centro Internacional de Buceo "María La Gorda" de Pinar del Río / Clinical-epidemiological behavior of diving accidents at "Maria la Gorda" International Diving Center, Pinar del RíoEl buceo es una actividad deportivo - recreativa, segura, estudiada y con riesgos inherentes como cualquier otra actividad. Se presentan los resultados de una investigación descriptiva, observacional, y transversal, realizada con una muestra constituida por todos los buceadores que sufrieron algún accidente de buceo en el Centro Internacional de Buceo "María La Gorda" de Pinar del Río, durante los años 2007-2008. Se registró la información en una base de datos del sistema estadístico STATISTIC, lo cual permitió aplicar estimaciones puntuales de frecuencias relativas para el análisis estadístico descriptivo de los resultados. Se utilizaron la prueba de Ji cuadrado en su variante de tabla de contingencia y la prueba de hipótesis para la comparación de proporciones correspondientes a categoría mutuamente excluyentes. El mayor número de accidentes de buceo ocurrió en el sexo masculino y en el grupo de edad de 30 a 39. Los accidentes de buceo más frecuentes fueron los barotraumatismos de oído sin diferencias significativas en cuanto al sexo. La edad avanzada mayor de 45 años y el sexo femenino fueron los factores predisponentes que más incidieron en la muestra de estudio. La categoría de buceador más afectado fue la de los no profesionales, seguidos por los buceadores deportivos y los profesionales, sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas. La mayoría de los accidentes que se presentaron fueron no letales. Palabras clave: ACCIDENTES, epidemiología. ABSTRACT Diving is a sports, recreational, safe, and studied activity having risks of any other. The results of a descriptive, observation, and cross-sectional research was conducted with a sample comprised of all the divers that suffered any kind of diving accident at "Maria la Gorda" International Diving Center, Pinar del Rio, during 2007-2008. The information was recorded in a statistical database system (STATISTIC), which allowed applying detailed estimates of relative frequencies to the descriptive-statistical analysis of the results. Chi square test and its variants of contingency table, as well as the hypothesis to compare the corresponding ratios to the mutual exclusive category were used. Male sex and the age bracket of 30 to 39 prevailed. The most frequent diving accidents were: barotraumas of the ear having no significant differences regarding sex. Older ages than 45 and female sex were the most predisposing factors that affected the sample taken. The most affected category of divers was: nonprofessionals, followed by sports and professionals without significant statistical differences. The majority of the accidents were not fatal. Key words: Accidents, epidemiology.

ABSTRACT Diving is a sports, recreational, safe, and studied activity having risks of any other. The results of a descriptive, observation, and cross-sectional research was conducted with a sample comprised of all the divers that suffered any kind of d... see more

The concept of “drug likeness” is used when developing drugs for a potential biologically active substance, which must meet some specific criteria, in particular it should be bioavailable. The traditional method of “drug likeness” assessment is verificati... see more

A start-up business is a business that is 0 to 42 months, starting with the discovery phase, the firm emergence phase, the baby-business phase, to the operating phase. Start-up businesses do not all last more than 42 months. The purpose of this study is t... see more

Indonesian medicinal plants, such as Strobilanthes crispa (L.) Blume (locally known as kecibeling), red mangrove (Rhizophora stylosa Griff.) and star gooseberry {Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr.} contain active compounds that act as antioxidants. The study ... see more

The concept of “drug likeness” is used when developing drugs for a potential biologically active substance, which must meet some specific criteria, in particular it should be bioavailable. The traditional method of “drug likeness” assessment is verificati... see more

 The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of commuting physical activity and associate sociodemographic, behavioral and health characteristics in longlived older adults of Florianópolis/SC. This cross-sectional epidemiologic study include... see more

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