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8  Articles
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AbstractThe research was conducted from the perspective of public practical theology, which hasthe general purpose to gain a deeper understanding of the human in all facets of his orher everyday life. More specifically, practical theology wants to facilit... see more

Denne artikel udforsker mulighederne for at udtænke et begreb om fællesskab inden for et poststrukturalistisk paradigme. Der er skrevet meget om relationer, grupper og inklusion, men fællesskab er i mindre grad et teoretiseret og analyseret begreb. Ambiti... see more

AbstractThe close interdependence between corporate strategy and manpower planning in the formulation and implementation of strategic plans for a healthy, viable organization is discussed. Strategy is more than products, markets and finance - the crucial ... see more

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most new generation organisations have management models and processes for measuring and managing organisational performance. However, the application of these models and the direction the company needs to take are not always clearly est... see more

Denne artikel udforsker mulighederne for at udtænke et begreb om fællesskab inden for et poststrukturalistisk paradigme. Der er skrevet meget om relationer, grupper og inklusion, men fællesskab er i mindre grad et teoretiseret og analyseret begreb. Ambiti... see more

AbstractThe research was conducted from the perspective of public practical theology, which hasthe general purpose to gain a deeper understanding of the human in all facets of his orher everyday life. More specifically, practical theology wants to facilit... see more

Phytoplankton distribution and physico-chemical parameters in two stations in Munzur River were determined in the study carried out monthly between February 2015 and January 2016. According to water quality regulation of the supreme, while quality of wate... see more

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most new generation organisations have management models and processes for measuring and managing organisational performance. However, the application of these models and the direction the company needs to take are not always clearly est... see more

1 of 2 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»