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ISSN: 2305-0853    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 58 Number 1 Year 2024

8 articles in this issue 

Vhumani Magezi,Irvin Moyo,Patrick Nanthambwe

AbstractThe significance of leadership in ensuring the efficient operation of any given entity cannot be overstated. The acquisition of leadership skills is an essential component for the success and accomplishment of an organisation’s objectives and goal... see more


Magezi E. Baloyi

AbstractIn the past, the role of the pastor was not only recognised by the church in which he served, but also by the entire community. Government, institutions, and society at large to an extent relied on pastors to help build up communities. For this re... see more


John Gaga,Gift Masengwe,Bekithemba Dube

AbstractThe description of the history of the church in Zimbabwe highlights the presence of a visibly united church that has been actively involved in supporting public life since the colonial era. The division within the Christian community is not a rece... see more


Douw G. Breed

AbstractSuffering – an urgent exhortation: 1 Peter 4:12–19 exegetically re-examined. This article provides a new exegetical examination of the specific way Peter encourages the readers in 1 Peter 4:12–19 to remain faithful amid suffering. In thi... see more


Mookgo S. Kgatle

AbstractThe Pentecostal approach to disability is currently informed by the imposed healing, deliverance, and performance of other miracles, particularly among neo-Pentecostals in Africa. This is also informed by the neo-Pentecostal pastor’s radical appro... see more


Christopher Magezi

AbstractSouth African citizens usually accuse foreign nationals of stealing their jobs and increasing the crime rate in the country. Such accusations have often resulted in xenophobic violence. Unfortunately, not much effort has been made to depict immigr... see more


Mookgo S. Kgatle

AbstractEncounterology is a missiological approach to the theology of religions that was developed by J.N.J. Kritzinger – a South African missiologist. The approach recognises the encounter between people of different faiths or religions such as Christian... see more


Antionette Janse van Rensburg

AbstractThe importance of comfort in the Heidelberg Catechism. It is known that the Heidelberg Catechism is one of the many catechisms that originated during the 16th-century Reformation. It is also known that the authors of the Heidelberg Catechism made ... see more