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179  Articles
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Setting up and building a business is not an easy matter. Not a few who failed and eventually went bankrupt. It turns out that one of the reasons is due to lack of careful planning. One business model that is considered effective is the Business Model Can... see more

Setting up and building a business is not an easy matter. Not a few who failed and eventually went bankrupt. It turns out that one of the reasons is due to lack of careful planning. One business model that is considered effective is the Business Model Can... see more

Waste cooking is a vegetable oil that can be processed into laundry soap products. Business opportunities based on waste cooking soap that are environmentally friendly need to be researched. This study aims to create an environmentally friendly laundry so... see more

Waste cooking is a vegetable oil that can be processed into laundry soap products. Business opportunities based on waste cooking soap that are environmentally friendly need to be researched. This study aims to create an environmentally friendly laundry so... see more

Covid-19 telah mengubah tren ekonomi global. E-Commerce telah berkembang pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan menjadi semakin intens karena pandemi Covid-19. Toko Amira Bucket adalah sebuah toko yang menjual berbagai macam buket, Seiring berkembangnya ... see more

Di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini pemerintah membatasi aktivitas diluar dan menghindarikontak fisik secara langsung. Sehingga banyak memanfaatkan media internet untukpenjualan dan pembelian. Pesona Tanaman yaitu usaha yang bergerak pada bidangpenjualan tanaman... see more

Background: Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, caused by viruses in most of the cases. In the Asian region, the prevalence of viral hepatitis is very high. Worldwide, about 71 million people are affected by this fatal disease, and its prevale... see more
HBV |  HCV |  HDV |  BMC |  Pat feeder |  Pakistan |  Quetta.

Conocimientos de bioseguridad en colaboradores. Brigada Médica Cubana en Bolivia, octubre, 2014 / Knowledge of biosecurity in collaborators. Cuban Medical Brigade in Bolivia, October, 2014 Conocimientos de bioseguridad en colaboradores. Brigada Médica Cubana en Bolivia, octubre, 2014 / Knowledge of biosecurity in collaborators. Cuban Medical Brigade in Bolivia, October, 2014Objetivo: identificar el estado del conocimiento de elementos de bioseguridad en colaboradores de la Brigada Médica Cubana en Bolivia.Materiales y métodos: se realiza una investigación observacional descriptiva de corte transversal, donde la muestra la constituyó un total de 393 colaboradores, de diferentes especialidades (Enfermería, Médicos, Laboratoristas, Imagenòlogos y Optometristas), que se encuentran vinculados a la actividad asistencial en los diferentes centros de salud de los nueve departamentos del país, donde está integrada la BMC en Bolivia.Resultados: el desempeño del trabajo médico implica riesgos reconocidos para la salud de los trabajadores,pacientes, visitantes y medio ambiente que los trabajadores del sector se encuentran expuestos en su quehacer profesional. Según resultados de investigaciones en diferentes países del mundo ponen en evidencia que al explorar esta área del conocimiento en los profesionales de la salud se identifican lagunas en el conocimiento.Conclusions: aun cuando se establece como uno de los objetivos de trabajo el cumplimiento de los protocolos establecidos, hubo dificultades en las respuestas emitidas acerca del conocimiento de elementos esenciales de bioseguridad y no disponer de algunos de los medios de protección personal necesarios. Lo cual propicio que se reorientaran estrategias de trabajo en el frente de Epidemiología a nivel nacional en la Brigada Médica Cubana en Bolivia.ABSTRACTObjective: to identify the state of knowledge of biosecurity elements in collaborators of the Cuban Medical Brigade in Bolivia.Materials and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive observational research was carried out, where thesample consisted of a total of 393 collaborators, of different specialties (Nursing, Physicians, Laboratories,Imaging and Optometrists), who are linked to the care activity in the different health centers in the ninedepartments of the country, where the BMC is integrated in Bolivia.Results: the performance of medical work involves recognized risks for the health of workers, patients,visitors and the environment that workers in the sector are exposed to in their professional work. Accordingto research results in different countries of the world, it is evident that when knowledge is explored in healthprofessionals, gaps in knowledge are identified.Conclusions: even when compliance with the established protocols is established as one of the work objectives, there were difficulties in the answers issued about the knowledge of essential elements of biosecurity and not having some of the necessary means of personal protection. This led to the reorientation of work strategies in the epidemiology front at the national lev el in the Cuban Medical Brigade in Bolivia.Keywords: knowledge; Biosecurity regulations; biological accidents

Materiales y métodos: se realiza una investigación observacional descriptiva de corte transversal, donde la muestra la constituyó un total de 393 colaboradores, de diferentes especialidades (Enfermería, Médicos, Laboratoristas, Imagenòlogos y Optometrista... see more

The culinary business has good prospects, including in the coffee shop business. Piring Seng Coffee & Co is one of the many coffee shops in Surabaya so that it is faced with a situation of dynamic competition and challenges. Therefore, Piring Seng Cof... see more

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