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Volume 3 Number 2 Year 2086

12 articles in this issue 

Taufik Ikhsan Slamet

This service was carried out with the development scheme of the science and technology-based production unit of the study program. The purpose of this service was to create a productive division that was appropriate and correlated with the core competenci... see more

Pags. 183 - 202  

Nafsiatun -

Punggur Kecil Village, Sungai Kakap District, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan Province is one of the developing villages. Therefore, it requires structuring in the field of population administration, especially administration of birth, death and marria... see more

Pags. 203 - 215  

Nafiah Ariyani

Every family must have good knowledge about family financial management so that they can utilize their sources of income wisely in order to meet the needs for the realization of a prosperous family. The need for this knowledge will be greater especially i... see more

Pags. 216 - 234  

lindiawatie - -, Anita - Ria, anita ria, dhona - Shahreza, dhona

Public service aims to help the performance of the trade sector informal micro and small gathered in cooperative members Sharia BMT BUMI Cimanggis, Depok, through submission of an understanding of the importance of having a soft skills marketing managemen... see more

Pags. 235 - 243  

Susanti Susanti

The demands of the 2013 curriculum require the quality of learning that can make the attitude of students creative, independent, cooperative, solidarity, leadership, empathy, tolerance and life skills in order to shape character and enhance the nation's c... see more

Pags. 244 - 261  

Anatta Budiman

This research aimed to find out the farmers’ level of adoption to home-scale biogas digester as the form of cattle manure waste utilization in Suka Majufarmer group. This research employed descriptive qualitative approach, in which the data was collecte... see more

Pags. 262 - 276  

Sholikhah Sholikhah; Andi M Sadat

Membangun bangsa melalui pendidikan dengan pendidikan formal sebagai motor utamanya tentu saja harus terus didukung dan dikembangkan termasuk dengan memperkaya kurikulum agar hasil optimal dapat diraih. Sayangnya, pendidikan dengan orientasi hard skill ma... see more

Pags. 277 - 291  

Linar Humaira

The purpose of this community partnership program is to provide knowledge and skills in the utilization of mangosteen peel waste as an active ingredient and natural coloring in making dishwashing soap.  The partners in the activity were a group of PK... see more

Pags. 292 - 303  

Dini Safitri

Students of State University of Jakarta (UNJ) D-III Study Program Public Relations conducted a socialization about the benefits of biopori holes through Community Service Activities (PKM). This activity was held at SMPN 270 Jakarta Utara. The objectives o... see more

Pags. 304 - 312  

Yuyun Umniyatun, Mochamad Iqbal Nurmansyah, Hidayati Hidayati, Teuku Nebrisa Zagladin Jacoeb

This article aimed to described community development process that held by collaboration between private hospital and university on sreening and education of health towards implementation of healthy lifestyle of community. These activities have been imple... see more

Pags. 313 - 323  

Dewi Nurmalasari

Learning is the process of delivering knowledge that can influence and play an important role in determining a person's learning success. In this case, learning has a close relationship with learning methods and strategies. In order for the learning proce... see more

Pags. 324 - 332  

Nuramalia Hasanah

Pendidikan kejuruan ditujukan untuk memberikan tenaga terampil tngkat menengah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan mampu memberikan keterampilan bagi seluruh guru, terutama untuk mempersiapkan SDM berperan aktif dalam menghasilkan ten... see more

Pags. 333 - 347